Age: 24 years of age.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
How Long Have You Played On MCP?: I've been playing MCP for almost a month now, I jumped on sometime in the beginning of July, as for the exact date I am not sure.
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked?: My bm info is completely clean.
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? N/A
What is your current playtime on the server?: As of writing this application I currently have 148.4 hours of playtime on MCP.
When can you play on MCP? Mondays - Wednesdays I can and usually do dedicate a lot of time playing on MCP. As for Thurdays - Sunday I work full time and will usually be on in the early morning or late at night. I start college back up near the end of August. That won't stop me from being on MCP but it is a distraction.
What is your rank on the server?: My Current rank is Baron
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? I think I'd make a good moderator because I like to go out of my way and help people out especially new members of the server. I like to ensure that everyone is having fun and that everything remains as fair as possible. Within the time I've spend on the server I have a strong disinterest of people who would come to try to ruin the time we all spend on the server, whether they are hacking, spamming or harassing but I promise I will not be triggered. I love this server and I want it to stay friendly and fun.
Additional Information: When I came to this server I didn't know I'd be swept away in it. The staff was extremely friendly and kind. Most notably Maelonic KittyWolf and Dragon1240(ex staff now). When I first joined the server KittyWolf pretty much showed me the ropes and taught me how to progress, Maelonic showed me rules and Dragon1240 made every situation comical. This is just within the staff however. There are many more people who have made this server feel like a community and even though rivalries do exist I love what MCP is and I hope I spend many sleepless nights jumping around in circles before logging off close to 4 in the morning.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
How Long Have You Played On MCP?: I've been playing MCP for almost a month now, I jumped on sometime in the beginning of July, as for the exact date I am not sure.
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked?: My bm info is completely clean.
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? N/A
What is your current playtime on the server?: As of writing this application I currently have 148.4 hours of playtime on MCP.
When can you play on MCP? Mondays - Wednesdays I can and usually do dedicate a lot of time playing on MCP. As for Thurdays - Sunday I work full time and will usually be on in the early morning or late at night. I start college back up near the end of August. That won't stop me from being on MCP but it is a distraction.
What is your rank on the server?: My Current rank is Baron
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? I think I'd make a good moderator because I like to go out of my way and help people out especially new members of the server. I like to ensure that everyone is having fun and that everything remains as fair as possible. Within the time I've spend on the server I have a strong disinterest of people who would come to try to ruin the time we all spend on the server, whether they are hacking, spamming or harassing but I promise I will not be triggered. I love this server and I want it to stay friendly and fun.
Additional Information: When I came to this server I didn't know I'd be swept away in it. The staff was extremely friendly and kind. Most notably Maelonic KittyWolf and Dragon1240(ex staff now). When I first joined the server KittyWolf pretty much showed me the ropes and taught me how to progress, Maelonic showed me rules and Dragon1240 made every situation comical. This is just within the staff however. There are many more people who have made this server feel like a community and even though rivalries do exist I love what MCP is and I hope I spend many sleepless nights jumping around in circles before logging off close to 4 in the morning.
![[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]](