ScorpiaEmber’s Moderator Application
IGN: ScorpiaEmber

Age (as of now): 16

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time - EST

How Long Have You Played On MCP? I started playing on MCP at the beginning of September in 2018, V6.2.

Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? No, I have not been.

If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? N/A

What is your current playtime on the server? My current playtime on MCP is 623 hours and it’s rapidly increasing as I’m a very active player. I had 210ish hours on V6.2.

When can you play on MCP? I can play on MCP at any time. During the school year I am usually on during school hours and the “night shift”. During the summer, i’m on at any point of any day. I also use minechat, so I can hop on even if I don’t have access to a computer at that very moment.

What is your rank on the server? Baron & Perm Donor

Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? I believe I should be chosen to be the next MCP moderator because I feel as if this position could help me better myself as a person and help the community at the same time. I feel like I can only be a normal player for so long, being staff would “spice things up” for me. I really enjoy playing on the server in my free time and getting to have fun with others. I get along with all staff and majority of players on the server and help out everyone I can. All of my choices would be fair and backed up if needed; I understand and follow all server and moderator rules. I am very involved in the community through discord, forums, sometimes teamspeak, and of course the server. I would be glad to hold a moderator position to help out the server.

Additional Information: From how many times I’ve applied in the past, you can see that I’m very passionate about this position. I will admit, I’ve had a toxic past on MCP but I do hope that can be overlooked as I’ve matured and have a new outlook on things; no attitude/toxicity. I understand there may or may not be a moderator position open at the moment but I still want to try! I do try to vote daily, advertise the server on social media as well to attract new players, and more donations are happening soontm. I can also help players that may not speak English; German/Dutch, in /m of course. Also to clear this up, having a relationship with a fellow mcp player would NOT interfere with being mod; if i get accepted for the position, i want to do the job right. no favoritism, no biased opinions, no bullsh*t.

(I do update my hours, hence the occasional modifications)

But we can’t forget, tiss but a scratch! Thank you for taking your time and consideration to read my moderator application! ❤️
probably gonna be taken as super bias but +1

Quinn has had her troubles in the past, but i feel if you haven't actually had problems with people you aren't a good fit for mod. A good mod has experience with every side of the coin, and can easier help in a situation if they have been in that situation them selves before.
+1 Quinn has been very active, and very nice recently. She would be perfect for mod!


[Image: 7caac5ef9ccddaa7aae1ed3d23a2a8ac.png]

[Image: 6u1v6ul.png]
I will give Quinn a +1 because she is very active on the server and always helpful to other players
Not sure if Dogtag has the same opinion right now:,6231.0.html

I've seen "stuff" that I won't mention here, but I would have to agree with him, however, I am not going to do a +1 or -1 because of that since it's your choice with your life.  If you'd like me to explain, Quinn, message me on discord.

I should edit this so "stuff" doesn't sound too bad..

"stuff" is related to what Dogtag said.
Thank you for the feedback so far everyone, I appreciate it!
Dont need another mod as there isn't many active players atm, mods we have right now are fine -1


1v1 me in Rocket League

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