Cpt_PandaPantz Moderator Application
Age: 27

Timezone:  AEST  - I'm in the future! #futurepeople

How Long Have You Played On MCP? I joined CDGS in late May 2017.

Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? Yes

If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? Yes, I have been back in June 2017, this was within my first month in the server. As stated in a previous application and the details are noted on my profile on Prism (So there is no need for me to go into full details). Since this ban, I had changed my ways and attitude very quickly, which has been proven in many many ways and can be backed up by multiple players in our wonderful community that I still love to call home. Since then, my record has been squeaky clean with the exception of the Ban Hammer... well apparently this Aussie couldn't run fast enough, and probably still can't. But who hasn't been hit by that hammer?

What is your current playtime on the server?  My current playtime is 22.4 hours since the reset (between going interstate for the weekend, work and my own business - I've had limited time over the last week) and my playtime will increase dramatically as of this week.

When can you play on MCP? At this stage, I am frequently online a few hours a day, every day at the moment. I am usually online during the 'night shift' just like I previously was. I will tend to make appearances during the 'day shift' when I have a bunch of spare time on my hands.

What is your rank on the server? I am Baron and Donator with a hint of Aussie forever shining through. Previously Moderator.

Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? As stated throughout this application, I have previously proven my abilities and strengths in a Moderator position within CDGS. I'm already accustomed to the rules and the way our community and server run. You will be able to trust me to jump straight back into this role without any issues., I'm still as helpful as I always was and even friendlier than before. I know the current staff team very well as I have worked alongside them previously. As everyone knows, I fit into the team very well. I have proven how well I can be part of the community, and I've proven my competence and confidence in the past. I am very proud of the fact that I can be very fair and stern at the same time when dealing with issues. To my knowledge, I've never had a report made against me of any kind during my time as a moderator, if there was any report made unofficially 'tiss but a scratch for an Aussie.

Additional Information: As I once said, and still do say, I really do love our server and I have invested a decent amount of time and money into this server. I would love to take back up my previous position if given the chance! I'm fairly active in all aspects of communication: TS, in-game and on the forums.


[Image: GcYiQ0T.png]
[Image: BgdujAZ.png]
+1 All my YES! panda was a great mod! and she is always on when other may not bed due to being future people\

GL hun!


[Image: 9aabf691e1dff868f2587373a1555d92.png]
She did good with dealing with people like me, she didn’t go overboard and she is always on very late at night. And hands out the “Lord go to bed curfew” +1 love to see you back


+1 used to be mod so you already know how it works, could use someone in the opposite time zone

gl gl
+1 deserves to be mod


Nothing can kill a Psycho.
+1 Panda Panda Panda!


[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]
Honestly, it's about time we had a good moderator on this server, you feel me?

I was actually laying awake on the couch last night (because it has better back support and I'm an old man) worrying about the state of MCPs chat moderation and new player integration methods put in place by the current mod team. It was about 5:45 in the morning when I started to doze off a bit whilst thinking of possible solutions to help the server in these two aspects.

And that's when the sudden realization ripped through my very existence. It was 7:15 in the morning when my eyes shot open and I awoke drenched in a cold sweat. I bolted straight up into a sitting position, only wearing my first generation pokemon boxers. Then the words just fell out of my mouth, like a fat Japanese kid spilling his bowl of baked beans, "Panda would make a good moderator."



[Image: wGNJe78.png]
[Image: fde7785abc1392076c4a6dd643840c88.png]
I'm not foreshadowing or anything, but my crystal ball says there will be another spot open soon so why not +1.





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