Dec 26th, 2017, 01:10 AM
Whaaaaaaaat is up ladies and gentlemen I'm your host MittyIsHere, with the very last special of MCP Alert for 2017. We are covering a very serious topic that we feel should be front and center of the attention for players going into a new year. Consider this the very first "Exposing" edition of MCP Alert.
Kittiwolf, The Gender Neutral Guard.
Kittiwolf has been guard for six months and six days. Over this course of time he has compiled many staff reports for various reasons. Ranging from jailing players and staff members on the way to or in events, to insulting players and other staff members. Being immature on the forums and in-game. Ruining player made events, the list just goes on and on and on. In this issue we will be covering comments from both Kittiwolf. staff members and various players.
Before Guard:
All of our information will be somewhat in order a few things will be so we will start with before he got guard. To gain playtime before applying for guard, and during his application period he would afk in the wolf disguise in the C-Block, in a corner to avoid being pushed out, to gain play time. While not really a big issue, farming playtime to appear active should be taken seriously especially when being considered for guard.
The next offense comes from his time before getting guard and just after being guard. Kittiwolf used his alt to bypass the allowed plot limit. Two plots on his main account, Kittiwolf, and one on his alt, ShadowD. The main plot was seized by warden Geonat which caused Kittiwolf to get angry over this situation. However, if you guys see both Kittiwolf and ShadowD and PopSparkGirl (PSG is a word of mouth rumor, take with a grain of salt.) on the server at the same time please screenshot it and report it as it is against the rules for guards to be dual logging. or if you have any previous screenshots, please upload them in comments. The Plots story however was confirmed to have happened by Warden Geonat.
The big story from his C-Guard days is his level of immaturity. This all comes from two different posts both involving two players in both situations. One being an applicant and reporter, UHC_KOOLKID. The other person involved in the situation? Kittiwolf. Stemming off of the original post, UHC_KOOLKID's Guard Application, Kittiwolf got into a heated argument. The issue started with TySun, a notorious forums troll. However, during this situation he was not trolling. Instead he was making several good points to the applicant. The issues however begin when Kittiwolf, at the time a C-Guard, decided to add his two cents into the mix with this post.
Er, Tysun? Cursing every once in a while isn't prohibited. Everybody does so, but it isn't like you curse and your gonna get banned. I know you haven't been on in a couple months, so could you stop assuming what the rules are when your not even on? Ok, thanks. And this has really gotten out of hand for a guard app as well. And no, I'm not encouraging cursing. I'm just saying, it isn't prohibited.
This one comment derails an entire guard application and leads to one of the first Staff Reports against Ms. Wolf., Mr. Wolf rather. Wait, is it Mr or Ms? I don't know it changes gender to further himself with the players. From this point I'll refer to him with both terms. Anyways, TySun replied with this,
No it's not. I'm not an idiot, I'm well aware you don't get banned for cursing. But even if it's once in a while, you will still get called on it by a Mod. I know you think you're all that because you're a Guard, but you've only been playing for 4 months, I know the rules, very well, so please stop trying to contradict me and act smart, I'd prefer to skip the part where you irritate me and I have to respond with a jackass comment like this one. Thank you. Have a nice day. Ok thanks.
TySuns comment here should have stopped any further replies from Mr. Wolf however that was not the case as the pair went back and forth for several posts. It was not until Cougarboy posted the following comment that it stopped and eventually led to a locked by request,
Kittiwolf, maturity is something a guard is suppose to have. Going back and forth like that shows immaturity.
As we stated before this lead to an immaturity report on Kittiwolf. However Ms. Wolf never responded to the report, even to apologize where as TySun did apologize for his part in the argument. The argument only began when Ms. Wolf decided to callout TySun stating he shouldn't have a say because he wasn't currently active on the server however he was a long time player.
B-Guard and On
Moving on after his promotion the abuse reports didn't stop. Instead of dying down they increased in number. The report in which should have ended this reign of terror in a lot of players eyes comes from JoeMC2014. This report has become a major image on Kittiwolf as it exposed various abusive tactics from Kittiwolf. Starting with a smaller one which doesn't have a lot of evidence behind it was the jailing on BoySoCute. This jail happened to stop Boys from winning more events, and only lasted 1-2 seconds however in the rules state guards can not jail in the Event hub. Which we will be covering further as Mr. Wolf seems to have an issue with Event hub and jailing players and even staff members.
Another jailing in the event hub comes with BookishTurtle. This was pointed out on the report by JoeMC2014. Mr. Wolf jailed BookishTurtle in the Event Hub on the way to the portal because Bookish was following him. Yep. Not even kidding. This was Ms. Wolf's response on that issue.
I may have done so cause he was following me, but I didn't win the event, and he had plenty of time to get back in the event. I do take the blame for that, but did not effect any chances of winning.
However, according to BookishTurtle he had taken time to set up recording software to record any further abuse of this caliber and was unable to make it back to the events. So while he did have time to return to the event, he shouldn't have been jailed before he was 'following' Kittiwolf...To the portal in Event hub no less. Which leads us back to the rule of "Do not jail in Event Hub". However, this is the official rule on the subject to clarify.
No calling for contraband/sending players to solitary in the following areas: Event hub, Black Market, Smuggler Area, Mob farms, Info Room, or other "special areas" which normal prison rules do not apply.
Finally hitting the main report on the head by JoeMC2014. The main reason for this report is this,
What the abuser was doing: Kittiwolf was harassing a player in chat.
Now while Kittiwolf did respond to this report several times his first comment was an attempt to pass the blame for his actions onto a prisoner by the name of Killah. We will talk about Killah in a few other reports on Mr. Wolf but Ms. Wolfs response to this report was this,
I would like to say, he provoked a lot of it, constantly being rude to me about not guarding. I did try and control myself, but sometimes its a bit hard when someone is extremely toxic sometimes. Yes, I may have been a bit rude about killah, but again, he did provoke it mainly.
So being a B-Guard and attempting to pass the blame onto Killah. While some blame can be put on Killah a guard at any rank should be held on a standard to be able to control themselves instead of trying to avoid consequences by passing it on to a player by calling them "toxic". For those of you who don't know of this situation, the spoiler below will give you the evidence provided against Mr. Wolf.
Many people commented on this situation, myself included. This at the time was the biggest report, and even to date, the biggest report on Kittiwolf and it shocks many players that this did not get him demoted. However it was only one of the very few comments Ms. Wolf made on the report, all future "Shit storm" comments made after the first initial comment to pass the blame were by players either defending Ms. Wolf or condemning Mr. Wolf for his actions and attempting to point out why the report was made in the first place. And some...well they were just dense French fries @Cpt_PandaPantz <3.
The end of the report came down to comments made by then warden Miner01, YoungLilSandwhich, and Silas_Bowen himself. This post was eventually locked and forgotten about by many, probably by Mr. Wolf himself however some of the players haven't forgotten and still to this day condemn Ms. Wolf for his actions.
His jailings didn't stop there however. He went on however to jail two different guards. Starting with a jailing done to MasterOvie. He jailed MasterOvie during the event Spleef because MasterOvie was "Islanding". However, he was standing in the middle of the arena during this event and just another check on the jails done by Mr. Wolf. Continuing, her reign of jailing, she jailed another guard, Nator. This was done as it was shown as being typed out by Ms. Wolf as shown in the report by Dragon1240. Dragon had this to say in the initial report,
Kitti was nowhere near C so there is no way this was accidently done by handcuffs. They were both also in the same ts channel at the time. Also Nator couldn't have typed that command as he was in combat and moving at the time of jail.
Great points being made, Nator nor Ms. Wolf commented on this situation however there is a video and picture for evidence shown in the spoilers below.
Silas, commented on this report and even asked the magic 8-Ball if Mr. Wolf should be demoted and received the answer "Without a doubt".
Going back to his activity, and moving on from his jailing adventures on both players on Guards. Mr. Wolf has been called out several times lately for only logging in and being active long enough to vote, and play events. There has been several past guards like this and they have all reached the same fate. Will Ms. Wolf receive it? In due time this reporter feels that he will.
Other Exploits
Moving on from all the jailing and immaturity. Kittiwolf does not have a clean record herself by any means. He has a previous ban for duping. As the story goes from her point of view, she only grabbed the duped items twice and didn't report it because "she was to tired to know what to type". She applied for an unban however ended up buying an unban pass. While this isn't a big issue she was banned and unbanned just before becoming a guard. Kittiwolf was promoted to guard 12 days after being unbanned for the duping incident. This leaves this reporter wondering, why?
Hitting another issue with Ms. Wolf, he has been called out several times for counting down super fast. This was brought up in the Joe report however it went no further. This issue is this, she counts down from 5-0 in less than 2 seconds. However, adding on to that there has been an issue with Mr. Wolf running away from pvp and counting down people during fights. The story as we were told goes like this. Kittiwolf and Killah were in a fight and Kittiwolf would keep counting down while running away from Killah so he was unable to reengage him in pvp.
As we all know A-Guard use to have the Guard Class, Hound. Mr. Wolf seemed to love this class as we are told they would stay in this class to avoid calling players for contraband. We have heard this from several other players, however we don't have any solid evidence behind this, to further the story.
Just before reset, it seems a lot of lag was coming from two plots. One of which coming from Moderator LittleLea, and the other of which coming guessed it, Kittiwolf. Intentionally lagging the server? Maybe, maybe not but it is worth to bring up that this user was lagging the server with a mass amount of item frames.
Another honorable mention for this section. Using smoke grenades to ruin a photoshoot for a player created event. All screenshots will be found in the spoiler below. While we don't have proof that this was Kittiwolf we are told everyone involved with this situation will back up the claim that this was indeed Kittiwolf causing these smoke bombs.
New Evidence
There have been various rumors floating around MCP as of late. These rumors surround Ms. Wolf, as rumor has it he has been slandering various staff members, one of which being the dense French fry herself. We have however been hearing reports on the slandering of a player many consider a friend and fellow guard, Nator. Is any staff member safe from the wrath of Mr. Wolf? Can she be any less of a Bi-Polar female? We will see.
Player Comments:
Rumors have it that there is more evidence from Dragon on being jailed by Mr. Wolf for dropping torches, however this evidence was lost in the Great MCP Flood of 2017.
Kittiwolf told me that he could take my Water's Gun and not give it back as per silas, but when i asked silas he had never talked to him - Matt
Kittiwolf is ambivalent about guarding and players, as well as being very competitive (try hard) which I believe negatively effects relations with everyone else. He is pretty reserved about himself but doesn't mind talking shit. I personally blame this on the wrong people in higher ranks that exhibit the wrong behavior, taking influence on other guards. #DrainTheSwamp - Anon
Whaaaaaaaat is up ladies and gentlemen I'm your host MittyIsHere, with the very last special of MCP Alert for 2017. We are covering a very serious topic that we feel should be front and center of the attention for players going into a new year. Consider this the very first "Exposing" edition of MCP Alert.
Kittiwolf, The Gender Neutral Guard.
Kittiwolf has been guard for six months and six days. Over this course of time he has compiled many staff reports for various reasons. Ranging from jailing players and staff members on the way to or in events, to insulting players and other staff members. Being immature on the forums and in-game. Ruining player made events, the list just goes on and on and on. In this issue we will be covering comments from both Kittiwolf. staff members and various players.
Before Guard:
All of our information will be somewhat in order a few things will be so we will start with before he got guard. To gain playtime before applying for guard, and during his application period he would afk in the wolf disguise in the C-Block, in a corner to avoid being pushed out, to gain play time. While not really a big issue, farming playtime to appear active should be taken seriously especially when being considered for guard.
The next offense comes from his time before getting guard and just after being guard. Kittiwolf used his alt to bypass the allowed plot limit. Two plots on his main account, Kittiwolf, and one on his alt, ShadowD. The main plot was seized by warden Geonat which caused Kittiwolf to get angry over this situation. However, if you guys see both Kittiwolf and ShadowD and PopSparkGirl (PSG is a word of mouth rumor, take with a grain of salt.) on the server at the same time please screenshot it and report it as it is against the rules for guards to be dual logging. or if you have any previous screenshots, please upload them in comments. The Plots story however was confirmed to have happened by Warden Geonat.
The big story from his C-Guard days is his level of immaturity. This all comes from two different posts both involving two players in both situations. One being an applicant and reporter, UHC_KOOLKID. The other person involved in the situation? Kittiwolf. Stemming off of the original post, UHC_KOOLKID's Guard Application, Kittiwolf got into a heated argument. The issue started with TySun, a notorious forums troll. However, during this situation he was not trolling. Instead he was making several good points to the applicant. The issues however begin when Kittiwolf, at the time a C-Guard, decided to add his two cents into the mix with this post.
Er, Tysun? Cursing every once in a while isn't prohibited. Everybody does so, but it isn't like you curse and your gonna get banned. I know you haven't been on in a couple months, so could you stop assuming what the rules are when your not even on? Ok, thanks. And this has really gotten out of hand for a guard app as well. And no, I'm not encouraging cursing. I'm just saying, it isn't prohibited.
This one comment derails an entire guard application and leads to one of the first Staff Reports against Ms. Wolf., Mr. Wolf rather. Wait, is it Mr or Ms? I don't know it changes gender to further himself with the players. From this point I'll refer to him with both terms. Anyways, TySun replied with this,
No it's not. I'm not an idiot, I'm well aware you don't get banned for cursing. But even if it's once in a while, you will still get called on it by a Mod. I know you think you're all that because you're a Guard, but you've only been playing for 4 months, I know the rules, very well, so please stop trying to contradict me and act smart, I'd prefer to skip the part where you irritate me and I have to respond with a jackass comment like this one. Thank you. Have a nice day. Ok thanks.
TySuns comment here should have stopped any further replies from Mr. Wolf however that was not the case as the pair went back and forth for several posts. It was not until Cougarboy posted the following comment that it stopped and eventually led to a locked by request,
Kittiwolf, maturity is something a guard is suppose to have. Going back and forth like that shows immaturity.
As we stated before this lead to an immaturity report on Kittiwolf. However Ms. Wolf never responded to the report, even to apologize where as TySun did apologize for his part in the argument. The argument only began when Ms. Wolf decided to callout TySun stating he shouldn't have a say because he wasn't currently active on the server however he was a long time player.
B-Guard and On
Moving on after his promotion the abuse reports didn't stop. Instead of dying down they increased in number. The report in which should have ended this reign of terror in a lot of players eyes comes from JoeMC2014. This report has become a major image on Kittiwolf as it exposed various abusive tactics from Kittiwolf. Starting with a smaller one which doesn't have a lot of evidence behind it was the jailing on BoySoCute. This jail happened to stop Boys from winning more events, and only lasted 1-2 seconds however in the rules state guards can not jail in the Event hub. Which we will be covering further as Mr. Wolf seems to have an issue with Event hub and jailing players and even staff members.
Another jailing in the event hub comes with BookishTurtle. This was pointed out on the report by JoeMC2014. Mr. Wolf jailed BookishTurtle in the Event Hub on the way to the portal because Bookish was following him. Yep. Not even kidding. This was Ms. Wolf's response on that issue.
I may have done so cause he was following me, but I didn't win the event, and he had plenty of time to get back in the event. I do take the blame for that, but did not effect any chances of winning.
However, according to BookishTurtle he had taken time to set up recording software to record any further abuse of this caliber and was unable to make it back to the events. So while he did have time to return to the event, he shouldn't have been jailed before he was 'following' Kittiwolf...To the portal in Event hub no less. Which leads us back to the rule of "Do not jail in Event Hub". However, this is the official rule on the subject to clarify.
No calling for contraband/sending players to solitary in the following areas: Event hub, Black Market, Smuggler Area, Mob farms, Info Room, or other "special areas" which normal prison rules do not apply.
Finally hitting the main report on the head by JoeMC2014. The main reason for this report is this,
What the abuser was doing: Kittiwolf was harassing a player in chat.
Now while Kittiwolf did respond to this report several times his first comment was an attempt to pass the blame for his actions onto a prisoner by the name of Killah. We will talk about Killah in a few other reports on Mr. Wolf but Ms. Wolfs response to this report was this,
I would like to say, he provoked a lot of it, constantly being rude to me about not guarding. I did try and control myself, but sometimes its a bit hard when someone is extremely toxic sometimes. Yes, I may have been a bit rude about killah, but again, he did provoke it mainly.
So being a B-Guard and attempting to pass the blame onto Killah. While some blame can be put on Killah a guard at any rank should be held on a standard to be able to control themselves instead of trying to avoid consequences by passing it on to a player by calling them "toxic". For those of you who don't know of this situation, the spoiler below will give you the evidence provided against Mr. Wolf.
Many people commented on this situation, myself included. This at the time was the biggest report, and even to date, the biggest report on Kittiwolf and it shocks many players that this did not get him demoted. However it was only one of the very few comments Ms. Wolf made on the report, all future "Shit storm" comments made after the first initial comment to pass the blame were by players either defending Ms. Wolf or condemning Mr. Wolf for his actions and attempting to point out why the report was made in the first place. And some...well they were just dense French fries @Cpt_PandaPantz <3.
The end of the report came down to comments made by then warden Miner01, YoungLilSandwhich, and Silas_Bowen himself. This post was eventually locked and forgotten about by many, probably by Mr. Wolf himself however some of the players haven't forgotten and still to this day condemn Ms. Wolf for his actions.
His jailings didn't stop there however. He went on however to jail two different guards. Starting with a jailing done to MasterOvie. He jailed MasterOvie during the event Spleef because MasterOvie was "Islanding". However, he was standing in the middle of the arena during this event and just another check on the jails done by Mr. Wolf. Continuing, her reign of jailing, she jailed another guard, Nator. This was done as it was shown as being typed out by Ms. Wolf as shown in the report by Dragon1240. Dragon had this to say in the initial report,
Kitti was nowhere near C so there is no way this was accidently done by handcuffs. They were both also in the same ts channel at the time. Also Nator couldn't have typed that command as he was in combat and moving at the time of jail.
Great points being made, Nator nor Ms. Wolf commented on this situation however there is a video and picture for evidence shown in the spoilers below.
Silas, commented on this report and even asked the magic 8-Ball if Mr. Wolf should be demoted and received the answer "Without a doubt".
Going back to his activity, and moving on from his jailing adventures on both players on Guards. Mr. Wolf has been called out several times lately for only logging in and being active long enough to vote, and play events. There has been several past guards like this and they have all reached the same fate. Will Ms. Wolf receive it? In due time this reporter feels that he will.
Other Exploits
Moving on from all the jailing and immaturity. Kittiwolf does not have a clean record herself by any means. He has a previous ban for duping. As the story goes from her point of view, she only grabbed the duped items twice and didn't report it because "she was to tired to know what to type". She applied for an unban however ended up buying an unban pass. While this isn't a big issue she was banned and unbanned just before becoming a guard. Kittiwolf was promoted to guard 12 days after being unbanned for the duping incident. This leaves this reporter wondering, why?
Hitting another issue with Ms. Wolf, he has been called out several times for counting down super fast. This was brought up in the Joe report however it went no further. This issue is this, she counts down from 5-0 in less than 2 seconds. However, adding on to that there has been an issue with Mr. Wolf running away from pvp and counting down people during fights. The story as we were told goes like this. Kittiwolf and Killah were in a fight and Kittiwolf would keep counting down while running away from Killah so he was unable to reengage him in pvp.
As we all know A-Guard use to have the Guard Class, Hound. Mr. Wolf seemed to love this class as we are told they would stay in this class to avoid calling players for contraband. We have heard this from several other players, however we don't have any solid evidence behind this, to further the story.
Just before reset, it seems a lot of lag was coming from two plots. One of which coming from Moderator LittleLea, and the other of which coming guessed it, Kittiwolf. Intentionally lagging the server? Maybe, maybe not but it is worth to bring up that this user was lagging the server with a mass amount of item frames.
Another honorable mention for this section. Using smoke grenades to ruin a photoshoot for a player created event. All screenshots will be found in the spoiler below. While we don't have proof that this was Kittiwolf we are told everyone involved with this situation will back up the claim that this was indeed Kittiwolf causing these smoke bombs.
New Evidence
There have been various rumors floating around MCP as of late. These rumors surround Ms. Wolf, as rumor has it he has been slandering various staff members, one of which being the dense French fry herself. We have however been hearing reports on the slandering of a player many consider a friend and fellow guard, Nator. Is any staff member safe from the wrath of Mr. Wolf? Can she be any less of a Bi-Polar female? We will see.
Player Comments:
Rumors have it that there is more evidence from Dragon on being jailed by Mr. Wolf for dropping torches, however this evidence was lost in the Great MCP Flood of 2017.
Kittiwolf told me that he could take my Water's Gun and not give it back as per silas, but when i asked silas he had never talked to him - Matt
Kittiwolf is ambivalent about guarding and players, as well as being very competitive (try hard) which I believe negatively effects relations with everyone else. He is pretty reserved about himself but doesn't mind talking shit. I personally blame this on the wrong people in higher ranks that exhibit the wrong behavior, taking influence on other guards. #DrainTheSwamp - Anon
![[Image: ddd3abd87fa66d2fe566559613aff9db.jpg]](