MCP Alert - Special - LittleLea Edition
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(Dec 30th, 2017, 11:57 AM)DogTag93 link Wrote: I feel like offering a short rebuttal in the spirit of this post and replying with a couple miner inconsistencies.

As for Zs and some of the weird things they were saying. LittleLea didn’t allow it to go on. She told them to take it to private message and gave them a couple minutes to respond. When they didn’t she took her time, and thought things out like a good mod should. A mod shouldn’t be criticized for thinking of a correct punishment.

This also didn’t happen in the span of 15 minutes it was closer to 5.

It was actually closer to the span of about an hour as can be proven by the time stamps on my screenshots posted on the abuse report concerning this subject.


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(Dec 30th, 2017, 12:13 PM)nator27 link Wrote: Lol this is actually hilarious to sit back and watch. Anyways -1 this is sad Mit. Having to use peoples "faults" to get attention.

I don't understand all this hate on Mitsuo, he saw a staff member doing something he didn't agree with so he called them out on it. Keeping staff in check, he's not trying to get attention to himself, he's trying to get attention to the faults in our staff members.

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Starting with Dogtag,

I'm not going to be adding every little comment with each persons name considering everyone with access to the work station can edit and add things whenever they feel it is necessary. If I did it would just drag everything else on. I take credit for writing everything, and even adding the suggestions that was given to me. As stated before they were more for comical relief. However, it is all how the receiving party takes it. They can either take it with the joke, or they can get all offended as it seems yourself and Lea have. Miner has been the only "mature" on on the situation even with his meme. The terrorist comment was more or less a poke at the UK in general.

Yes I know that rule, even looked it up before I mentioned those parts. However, as I stated before it was directed towards a player. "We can see that shit" was directed towards a C blocker Jerzyboys. It wasn't needed and a more pg variation would be more useful there instead of dropping a curse bomb for the hell of it.

This is what staff reports are for so either you don’t believe any of the things you have stated are worthy of a staff report or you simply want to criticize staff for you own amusement. Considering the ladder makes people take you much less seriously.

I use the MCP Alert Exposing issues for this reason. They create buzz, whether good or bad they do create buzz. If I made a staff report everyone would write it off as just trying to get someone they like demoted and as history has proven to be true, it gets shut down and nothing ever happens because they blow out of proportion. There are things in this issue that could be used in an abuse report. That's as far as I'll go on that. I do believe in staff reports, however with someone who is in the "Popular Clique" like Lea is making abuse reports becomes hard because everyone inside that clique, and those who want to be in it will shut your report down and call any evidence you have produced invalid.

I brought up her spelling and grammar for the issue that it's nearly every post that it happens. I never claim to have perfect grammar, it's the reason I have others look over my work and look for things that are wrong. Obviously not everything will be fixed, and some things are left alone for the hell of it.  If she wrote more correctly for her age then I wouldn't care. I don't call everyone out for the way they type/talk because really I have no room to talk. However when I know their age and it's an every time thing I just decide to poke fun at it. Whether it comes of rude or not is up to the other party.

Mitsuo I did nothing to you and your article called me cuck and LittleLea’s puppy dog. You do not have the moral high ground to criticize Lea, you’ve shown here that you would rather stoop to her “level” than to be the bigger person. Good on ya mate.

I've commented on this part several times before. Even with his one meme, Miner is still being the most mature in his response. He didn't flip his shit or start spamming memes, he gave one response. Whether he was offended or not is up to him. These two bits about you and Miner were more to break up the story and provide comical humor. It was up to you if you got offended or not, and it looks like you were.

You need to understand that as the publisher/poster of this article you take responsibility for everything that is said in the article especially when you don’t site the authors.

I have for the most part taken the responsibility for this article. I have stated that I didn't write those parts however I did add them in as I personally found them funny. Generally I don't give a damn how people feel about me or the news articles. If they don't like them then they don't have to read them. There are more and more news organizations coming out onto the forums, "PJR" for one, if you prefer your news short then there you go. You aren't forced to read what is posted on the forums, you chose to.

(Dec 30th, 2017, 12:13 PM)nator27 link Wrote: Lol this is actually hilarious to sit back and watch. Anyways -1 this is sad Mit. Having to use peoples "faults" to get attention.

"To get attention" Not really. The purpose of these exposing articles as stated many times prior is to either bring attention to major issues, or for a laugh. You can find it sad if you want, however quite a few of us find the fact on how everyone is reacting hilarious. And for the most part all of you have reacted just the way you thought we would. I mean hell we even prepared some of our responses last night while writing this because the responses were just that predictable. We were targeting someone in the "Popular" clique. We knew what we were doing, and we knew the outrage that would come from this. As stated above, don't like it don't read, we aren't forcing you to read.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
Sorry for the late response, I was at work. 

“I'm not going to be adding every little comment with each persons name considering everyone with access to the work station can edit and add things whenever they feel it is necessary.”

If this is the case than you need to list everyone’s names who work on it and stop saying “I don’t know I didn’t write that” as an excuse to get out of the responsibility of what was posted.

“They can either take it with the joke, or they can get all offended as it seems yourself and Lea have. Miner has been the only "mature" on on the situation even with his meme.”

I got the joke and I was even in ts talking to you about it. Simply I’ve been called worse but it’s the fact that you did it without cause or justification. What concerns me about that insult is the fact it wasn’t even a good one and it had no basis for even being said. When I read it, I knew it was still directed at Lea even though it was being said about me or else you wouldn’t have included miner.

“Yes I know that rule, even looked it up before I mentioned those parts. However, as I stated before it was directed towards a player.”

That’s not how it works. As an example of something being directed at someone it involves more than just talking to someone using curse words. “You’re a piece of shit” That is an example of using swear words directed at a player. “That’s a piece of shit.” This is describing something that is not the player and does not warrant a chat offense.

“I use the MCP Alert Exposing issues for this reason.”

I’m not convinced of that. From what I’ve seen written and how you act in ts when you wait for the person in question to read your article shows me you intend and expect a negative reaction.

“I do believe in staff reports, however with someone who is in the "Popular Clique" like Lea is making abuse reports becomes hard because everyone inside that clique, and those who want to be in it will shut your report down and call any evidence you have produced invalid.”

There are no cliques in MCP only the ones YOU separate yourself into to take what could be real constructive criticism and turn it into a flame war. Unlike you I don’t see myself in any group, anyone I can get along with including you when you’re not bashing people on the forums I see as a friend. As long as you have real concerns and proof to back up what you are saying you will get taken seriously. Silas doesn’t play favorites, he does his job well. Writing articles like this isn’t a better alternative.

“I brought up her spelling and grammar for the issue that it's nearly every post that it happens.”

All I am saying is if you criticize someone for their spelling, you better hope you are nothing short of perfect. There is no “My typing is generally better than hers.” And who cares anyways Mitsuo? That’s such a petty thing to bring up.

“I've commented on this part several times before. Even with his one meme, Miner is still being the most mature in his response.”

Mitsuo all I have done is criticized you on your own post, which I might add is about criticizing & laughing at others. The only difference is I’ve criticized you constructively and didn’t whirl this off with insults. If me doing this is an act of immaturity it speaks volumes about you and this article. I get simple humor Mit, but you need to understand not everyone will and I’m not about to stand around and let you get away with saying things that are more than likely going to upset someone. Your articles aren’t a spark of controversy they are intended to offend and upset.

“I have for the most part taken the responsibility for this article. I have stated that I didn't write those parts however I did add them in as I personally found them funny. Generally I don't give a damn how people feel about me or the news articles. If they don't like them then they don't have to read them.”

This post seems to serve the people writing it rather than the people reading it. You’ve created a hub where you pay all the worst and most judgment parts of someone to come to anonymously write down opinions and then you pick and choose to create a narrative to show to the community. Even though most of us are adults, this server does contain children and this is not the type of environment we should be exposing them to. What bothers me most is the effect you could have on someone on the server. I don’t care if you write about me, I’ve even egged you on multiple time to do it. This isn’t constructive and it won’t lead to any positive outcome. You laugh at the expense of others Mit, are you really okay with that? If you continue to post articles such as these you can expect to see me every step of the way. If you don’t believe me you can ask Geonat.


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