Iman49840's Guard Application
What is your IGN?
My IGN is Iman49840.
How old are you as of now?
I am currently 16 years old.
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime)
My current playtime is 11.8 hours.
When can you play on MCP?
During school I am only allowed to play on weekends but during school breaks i can play anytime.
What is your timezone?
My time zone is Mountain Standard Time.
What is your rank on the server?
My Current rank is Free.
Do you have any experience with other prison servers?
No i do not this is the only prison server i play on.
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible).
No I do not, this would be my first time guarding.
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room?
Yes I have, REEEEEEE.
Why should we pick you to be our next guard?
I feel like you should pick me to be your next guard because I have been playing on this server for a long time and would want to go one extra step to helping new members and other around the server. I am a very nice person both on CDGS and in real life and wanted to help keep some of the newer players safe and helping them the best I can.


"Those who live up to their names make one for themselves" -Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Just some advice, I'd wait until you have more playtime. Also make a better app, I don't think 2 sentences can cut it for a staff app.


//[Image: KSuhqwo.png]
To add on to what Coolskate said, get to know the community and show people you can pvp. I don't know if community feedback effects your chance at getting guard but it couldn't hurt. Get active on Teamspeak/Discord if you are able.

Good Luck!


[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]
Good guy but only 11 hours I can’t +1 this yet sorry


[Image: 7caac5ef9ccddaa7aae1ed3d23a2a8ac.png]

[Image: 6u1v6ul.png]
Nice guy from what I know, get your time up and pvp more show the community you would be a good guard!


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