Ryan10001's Guard Application
What is your IGN? Ryan10000 Applying on behalf of my alt Ryan10001
How old are you as of now? 18
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime) 34.4 hours (Ryan10001's playtime)
When can you play on MCP?  My summer is pretty much free so whenever. Once school starts it will dwindle but I will still have time to guard.
What is your timezone? Eastern standard time
What is your rank on the server? Citizen
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? When the original prison server craze happened in 2012, I was a member of prison servers such as DDTS, some Convicted, and mostly Killion. I played on KDC on and off for years before it closed.
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). I was a guard on Killion back in the day. If I remember correctly, I was a B guard, but possibly an A guard at one point.
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes. 12.6 Volts fixes all problems.
Why should we pick you to be our next guard? I should be picked to be CDGS's new guard because I am a very active member of the community. I have experience guarding a relatively large server (at the time) and I understand the guard rules well.  I am friendly and generally avoid confrontation whenever possible, am pretty laid back, and am friends with most players on the server. I am familiar with the dynamics of the server and can generally answer most questions other players may have.

Thank you for reading my application.
+1 Nice friend who strikes me as being a really good guard


[Image: 0Xy4rwK.jpg]

[Image: lpFQ2b2.jpg]
+1 Nice person also helpful.
1+ Yes Please


[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]
+1 and +2 for strait to riot guard
+1 Very nice, GOod PvPerrrrrrrrrrrrrr


+1 but why your alt XD vacbanned feelsbanjo


[Image: 7caac5ef9ccddaa7aae1ed3d23a2a8ac.png]

[Image: 6u1v6ul.png]
As much as he annoys me I think he’d be a semi-decent guard +1


[Image: 4d717fc0b4cfe6b111211563167db00f.png]
I literally assumed you were a guard already. Apply on your main and you'll likely be accepted.



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