CraftinCreeper's Mod Application
Age: 16
Timezone: AST (Atlantic Standard Time)
How Long Have You Played On MCP? Just passed the 3 year mark I believe
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? All of the above, most were just silly things though nothing serious.
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? Longest Ban was for giving out personal information, which was appealed 15 hours later when I got on and cleared it up. Other bans include test, Ban Hammer, and one Avoiding Mute.
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? I am obviously a long time player of MCP, I have been here through multiple resets, and as most of the staff will know love to help out the server. I donate frequently, attempt to moderate chat, and help out new players when needed. I have been preoccupied recently with new games that have been coming out but the hype for those are dying out so I will be making a comeback to MCP. I am well equipped for the job, have made myself familiar with the Mod rules, and adapt quickly to new environments. If I am made the next moderator, I will do everything I believe a moderator should do. This include helping new players, moderating chat, muting when called for, and giving out warnings when needed. I am easily contacted so if some order is needed I can hop on with a single message either through YouTube, Skype, TeamSpeak, or just a plain text from those who have my number. I'm familiar with the commands and the use for them, and I keep up to date on new rules, new additions, and changes in MCP. I'm always willing to help anyone who needs it and won't abandon the server when needed.
Additional Information: I thought I'd try out for this position because I think it's one of the coolest ranks, a rank built around helping and also utilizes the chat function of Minecraft rather than the PvP aspect which I appreciate.


Kill me
Incoming accepted


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
+1 this guys has been on MCP for along time and has been a great player silas you should accept him snoopdawg
Accepted, the past 2 times we've accepted mods I would have accepted you but we had no room.



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