Recruiting For Panda Squad In HCF
I decided to create this thread since I am bored. (Got the idea from Ovie) Me and Polar are going to be recruiting recruits for our faction! Our faction name is Panda Squad and we have around 100 Faction Power. Decided to make something of the HCF server and also have a dope base while we are at it! We are mainly recruiting people to go travel and get stuff and making a faction home. (Obviously we would help) Even though we are the strongest faction on the server since no one plays, we want to be stronger. Have everything a base can have. Be aware Mobs in HCF are VERY hard!!!! Also do /kit starter daily and get the stone bricks for our base! Reply to this forum post saying why you want to join and what you want to do in the faction! -Cwpsteelers 

P.S Not joining Faction Ovie KappaClaus

Messages In This Thread
Recruiting For Panda Squad In HCF - by cwpsteelers - Sep 6th, 2016, 07:16 PM

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