TySun's Guard App
What is your IGN? TySun
How old are you as of now? 14
When can you play on MCP? 6/7 days a week for 1 1/2 - 2 hours
What is your timezone? MT
What is your rank on the server? Free
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? I have experience with lots of prison servers(my favorite game within mc is prison)
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible) I have experience with two different servers, one shut down and one stopped receiving donations and went whitelisted for as long as I can remember
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes I have, I know the rules well
Why should we pick you to be out next guard? You should pick me to be guard because even though I am not always the most kind person my intention is too help, I would love an opportunity to be a guard, I love pvp, and even though I have not been so active the past week or two I am ready to come back to MCP full time. I enjoy hanging with my friends and making new discoveries about the prison, and sometimes even just sitting there watching riots, studying everything that happens. I know all the guard rules, everything a guard should do in a specific situation, and I feel I could be very helpful if I am given a chance. I know I am not always the perfect little player that never messes up, but I will try my best to always do what is right. I have been playing MCP for about a year now, and even though time is not the most important I have decided to use that year to learn about this server and how it operates. Silas, this ones for you Big Grin dank fuel can't melt steel memes.
riPepperonis 1


LSI: http://forums.cdgs.net/index.php/topic,3689.0.html
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[Image: 06RpXAX.png]
[Image: 59Quth5.png]
[Image: dOpSRFk.png]
+1 Great Player! Nice Person and excellent at pvp


† DarkAngels Gang †


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