serrian_'s Guard Application [Accepted]
What is your IGN?

How old are you as of now?

What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime)
584 Hours.

When can you play on MCP?
During the weekdays I can be on anywhere from 5:00PM-10:00PM (EST). On the Weekend my availability  is extended throughout the day. Minor fluctuations or scheduling may occur as the year progresses; I'm not heavily involved with extracurriculars at the moment, but nothing is set in stone as of right now.

What is your timezone?

What is your rank on the server?

Do you have any experience with other prison servers?
I've played on plenty of prison servers and been around the block, but I'm always drawn to back to MCP. There's special atmosphere here and I think it's time I retired back to the one server that has persevered throughout the years and started my taking for the classic prison genre.

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible).
I've been an admin, guard, mod ,and at one point had a short stent running my own prison server. I have been  a mod and guard on MCP.  If needed to mod app ( here ). As for experience guarding:
  • Mcp: B-guard ( Application here )
  • Shutdown, but I was an admin.
  • also shut down, but I was basically the equivalent of A-guard

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room?
Yes "12.6 Volts fixes all problems"

Why should we pick you to be our next guard?
First and foremost I have list of credentials and experience that set me apart and with my background I believe I can set an example for others and spread a positive message among the guards and server. I'm a pretty relaxed person, but also have a positive fun nature that others feed off. If you ever interacted with me in Teamspeak or in general I think most would come to a consensus that they enjoy my presence. I'm okay at Player on player altercations, but I see the main purpose of a guard is to serve as somone who is rewarding to kill and I believe I fall under that tempo of being able to defend lowering ranking/new prisoners and and hold my own against older players.I've been considerably active lately and don't see anything holding me back in the distance future as I'm continuing to enjoy spent on MCP. I have always been active among the community aswell, whether it be voting, plot contest or playing other games I'm generally involved and can be found in Teamspeak throughout the day. I have developed a positive relationship with most people I have encountered and don't view myself as a hateful or bias person, but someone who is just trying to have fun and enjoy his free time.

Addition information: (This may be a bit of a rant)
I took a break towards the end of the summer and into mid fall to focus on school and football. Unfortunately I suffered a concussion; not being able to anything to mentally straining I tuned back to something I enjoy and take solace in, MCP. As I recovered I been more motivated and happy to be back than ever. I've been overwhelmed by support of the community and can't thank those who've been there enough as I have recovered. With my return many of those whom I've interacted with have expressed they'd love to see me as guard/mod and are the reason I am reposting my app as my first one was unresponded to/locked. Another thing I feel I did not address at the proper time was being demoted  and can only express that what I did was childish, selfish and not putting those around me first. With that said I can only move forward and do my best to keep my head high. But with the support of others I've arrived here again. (wanted to keep this short and simple, but applaud and appreciate those who've taken the time to make it this far.)

For Ease of reference/use:


" If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."-
Dr. Emmett Brown
+1 YES Yes Yes! Serrian is perfect for this role he is good at PvP Has been on mcp a Lonngggg Time and has been guard before and can be trusted with mod commands (If he get that far)


[Image: 0Xy4rwK.jpg]

[Image: lpFQ2b2.jpg]
+1 Serrian is a great and knd person who is good at pvp and at helping players. GL serrian!


[Image: 7caac5ef9ccddaa7aae1ed3d23a2a8ac.png]

[Image: 6u1v6ul.png]
+1 Serrian would be a good addition to the guard team!


[Image: 9aabf691e1dff868f2587373a1555d92.png]
ill +1 Quiet but very respectful of all players. All good vibes from him


[Image: ackVMXt.png]
+1 always friendly, would love to see serrian_ on the guard team!
+1 i mean its not like hes got home perms anyway so i guess there really is no reason for him not to be guard <3
serri is a great person and definitely fits the role well


+1 I haven't known or talked to Serrian all too much but from what I've seen of him, he has a great temperament and is a wonderful person to have on ts. He also helped me find my stolen Lapiz piece (Silas...) Thumbs up for me!


[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]
+1 funny,helpful player, been more active recently on mcp and TS. I think he would make a wonderful guard.
Appreciate all the comments and well wishing. If anyone has any feedback or other information they'd like to add. I'm all ears. Bumping this


" If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."-
Dr. Emmett Brown

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