Bigwar2012's Guard App
What is your IGN?      bigwar2012

When can you play on MCP?      I can play from 4:00PM-9:00PM on weekdays and 9:00AM-9:00PM on weekends.

What is your timezone?      Mountain Standard Time - Arizona

What is your rank on the server?      Baron. No more rankups for a player. Sad

Do you have any experience with other prison servers?      I do not but I have played on MCP for about a year and a half and know the basics. I would like to become a fine Guard for MCP.

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank.      I don't have experience with other servers and I hope that this isn't the deciding factor.

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room?      Yes I have.

Why should we pick you to be out next guard?      I enjoy playing on MCP and I can play often. I have seen other guards on MCP and always have wanted to be one. People look up to guards and I feel that I am very reliable. I know the guard commands and will protect the server with my given power. I have a lot of humor but I can be serious. I am good at PVP and pretty fast at typing. I have many friends on the server and few enemies but I will treat them as equal if I become a guard. My friends will not get special treatment and my enemies wont get harsh treatment. I recently got a new computer and it is very fast so lag won't be a huge problem. I see people getting killed for no reason and I would like to help stop this. When someone joins the server, I feel good inside and know that this server is about to make another happy player! I have ranked up to the highest rank a player can be and wish to continue and advance through the guard ranks. I hope you take me into consideration for the next guard position.
                                                                                                            sincerely, bigwar2012
P.S. I would like to hear any feedback you guys may have so please comment! <3

[move]Sedimentary Torch[/move]


?Donuts Don't Have Farms?
Honestly He is a good guy and I think he would be a good guard +1  8)
He is a Ok pvper but he would be a nice guard  +1 Wink
Pretty good app I liked most of it. In the why should we pick you to be our next guard question you should add more about the ethics of guard and how you would represent the server.


[Image: wGNJe78.png]
[Image: fde7785abc1392076c4a6dd643840c88.png]
What annoys me about this application is that you copied the scrolling "Sedimentary Torch" idea from er3853's application. -1.


[Image: user1-light.png]
that bothers you? i think its awsome +1


C'mon Bro Pop Off ??∆˙???˙∆˚≤??∫??∆˚??∫√?∂???∑???????
(Feb 16th, 2014, 01:27 AM)b_bob58 link Wrote: What annoys me about this application is that you copied the scrolling "Sedimentary Torch" idea from er3853's application. -1.
lol... "-1" for just copying an idea, that was open to the public, anyways, i guess that's your opinion.

for me i find him quite nice, and a fun guy who if he puts himself to it, he could rankup to any rank in a day (I've seen him make bets)


[Image: 46w4L0e.jpg]

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