Lord_kk's Guard Application
What is your IGN?Lord_kk
When can you play on MCP? On weekdays around 3 to 6:30 and on weekends almost anytime.
What is your timezone?EST
What is your rank on the server? Free, Working towards citizen
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? I have experience on a friends private prison server (for our school), and a few other random ones.
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank. My friends server (The Locked Lair) and I was Max-Guard (they had different ranks) and on The MCP, I reached A-Guard.
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room?
Why should we pick you to be out next guard? 

            Why I should be a guard
    An essay by Lord_kk

Dear Silas and others, I am applying for guard because I think I would fit the position well. Here are some reasons why: I have quite a bit of guard experience, I am mature, I am good at pvp and I am friendly. With these abilities I hope to be able to fit the position as a guard well.

As I said I have a lot of experience guarding. My friend hosted a private jail server for my school where I was head guard, using [glow=red,2,300]SEDIMENTARY TORCHE[/glow]s to fight back the prisoners. After that server closed down I looked for another guard server and found The MCP. After having gotten the rank Free there (which was currently the highest rank) I applied for guard and after some time got accepted. As a guard on The MCP I was able to get through the ranks until I was an A-Guard. After some time I quit Minecraft/gaming for a while after my grandfather passed away and I started applying for new schools. I now have returned to The MCP in hope of once again meeting a great community and regaining my position as guard.

Before applying for guard once again I have gone on some PVP servers and honed my fighting abilities. I am also getting better at bow and hopefully, with the speculated new PVP engine coming out in 1.8, I will be even better than before. As a guard I will never hesitate to fight PVPers and protect the innocent prisoners no matter who they are. I will fight until I can no longer and will bow to no one?s sword or bow no matter the circumstances.

        I have matured quite a bit since I was previously guard and think I am up for the job. I have never cussed/raged on The MCP and doubt I ever will. I am a good sport and always try to help both new and old players alike. I will treat all players evenly and never be racist/offensive to anyone. As I have been gone for some time the new map was a bit confusing at first but after having explored all the areas I now know it like the back of my hand! I have also read the guard rules over and over so many times I also know them by heart!

After having read this I hope you re-consider me becoming a guard! Thank you for your time and thank you for reading my app! I greatly appreciate it!

(Apr 7th, 2014, 08:26 PM)ShadowHunterDaPro link Wrote:no.
(failed on i_client_needed_deny_power) Nice try er. And for the application, I don't know you to well, as well as seeing you online. But that's just me. It was also typed pretty well I'll give it that.


(Mar 23rd, 2022, 02:35 PM)GeoDope link Wrote:[quote author=serrian_ link=topic=6355.msg39052#msg39052 date=1647977252]

serrian doesn't deserve +15/-7 karma, he wishes he could deny apps. Serrian is never getting staff again lmao
Nice app, too long, that i decided not to read, Also lord is really friendly and active


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