mayobagel's unban appeal
IGN: mayobagels

Who banned you? DogTag93

When were you banned? (Time/Date) Summer of 2020.

Why were you banned? I was banned for being Toxic.

Are you at fault? Yes.

What was your rank on MCP? It was Citizen when I was last banned.

Why should we unban you? I think that I should be unbanned because I've seen that the server has been getting more attention and has been quite actively lately. I want to come back to the community once more. I own up to toxicity as I was disrespecting a staff member at the time of my ban. 

Where you fined and do you think you deserve reimbursement? No.

Additional info: I know you probably don't want me back, but please take the time to seriously consider this unban application.
Accepted, 1 toxic word and rebanned



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