TySun Autoclicker/KillAura
Your IGN: LittleTrappy
Offender's? IGN: TySun
Offender's? rank: Citizen
What the offender was doing: Using an autoclicker and kill aura
What server this was on: MCP
When this happened: Around 12:49am EST
Proof: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysh9TtWTl9M&feature=youtu.be[/youtube] (0:26 is where it goes weird, slow it down here)

Additional info: It's pretty obvious that the clicks are insane, and at 00:26 there is a very blatant head snap, which looks an awful lot like kill aura. If you open this in YouTube and slow it down to half or 2.5 speed, it's very easy to see.


[Image: xS21j9z.jpg]
[Image: qwRYNAW.png]
I didn't hear anything wrong, the head snap seems fishy but I would like to see more before I do anything.


[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]
Not autoclicker, the only thing slightly suspicious is the head, as for that it could be he just turns quickly.  What would’ve made it easier if it Tysun hit you while his head turned but his body didn’t, but since that didn’t happen I don’t think anything will happen, thanks for reporting, will keep an eye out in the future. 



[Image: 4d717fc0b4cfe6b111211563167db00f.png]
even after the headsnap he started attacking seconds later, as killaura ur head snaps directly to the player instantly hitting them after the headsnap.


1v1 me in Rocket League

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