Jul 31st, 2018, 11:41 PM
Whaaaaaaat IS up MCP Alert, I'm your host Killer Mittstarr. leeeeeeeeeeeeets get RIGGGGHT INTO THE NEWSSS!
Incoming Blown Up Prison:
A couple of months ago a long lost loved staff member was demoted for inactivity, Geonat. With the Warden position up for grabs it was a question as who could take it or if it would even be filled at all. Most thought that Silas wouldn't fill the position for awhile as he said that MCP can run without a warden for the time being. Well I guess MCP can no longer run without a warden, and with that we welcome the newest Warden of MCP, Maelonic. Mae has been mod for 2 years with a decent bit of that time being a Sr.Mod. With this promotion we currently only have 2 mods, LittleLea and IcyCrevasse. That mod wall is looking pretty empty. So far Mae hasn't blown up the prison but if she wishes to follow Geonat's footsteps the next time you walk into courtyard may be your last.
Hall of Fame Update:
Speaking of Geonat, it is high time for us at MCP Alert to induct the man himself into the MCP Alert Hall of Fame. First meeting Geonat as A-Guard he has come quite a long ways from those days. Being made Warden shortly into Version 4 of MCP many of us wondered if he would crack under the pressure. Three years later he still remained to be Warden and keeping the bar up high in standards for the position. Having many friends from our players, some still active in the community, but even more ultimately leaving the server before he himself did he has always been there for players, whether in /v or not. I will personally never forget the first words Geonat ever spoke to me,
"Mitsuo_Wolfblood call for my sword" :')
Some wonder if current Warden Maelonic will be able to live up to his legacy. Or will she be like Claire and go afk for the next six months. Time will only tell. But for now? It's time to induct the former Warden, and the Vegan we all love, Geonat. Into the MCP Hall of Fame!
![[Image: 67248de979b6b67adc7260eed6f83629.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/67248de979b6b67adc7260eed6f83629.png)
--Killer Mittstarr
Weak Guards, Stronger Buffs:
Before we got new guards, the current guards were well to put it, getting their asses handed to them constantly. They were being farmed day and night constantly, very rarely winning in a riot. Recently Silas has buffed the guards, their tasers now are more powerful than a normal players taser. Guards taser's now deliver a more impactful and longer duration of slowness. Guards also now spawn with a lot more gaps than they did before as well as more taser charges.
New Staff, New Toys.:
After Silas posted in C that players should apply for staff even if they have been denied in the past, the applications came rolling in. At Least 10 in 48ish hours. No new mods have accepted as of the time of writing this, but 3 new guards have been added. RT1cTV, Coreygill1, and for the third time, yours truly, Dragon1240. With these new additions to the staff team and the new guard buffs, we are looking forward to a whole lot of ass kicking from the guards.
Update: As of this Issue Release DogTag has been accepted as our new Moderator.
--ThatLispyKid Updated by KillerMittstarr
Guards 2 Strong?!?:
As reported before by ThatLispyKid guards received a buff. But at this point in time, with the new amount of guards, and how often that they are in groups. Do they really require all the new buffs? Perhaps a rework to the system that was introduced at the beginning of Version Four. When there is only one guard one they get the higher buffs, when there are more guards online, 3-4 they get less op buffs. I personally never see a guard on by themselves unless a fellow guard is online via an alt. But perhaps there is a middle ground for buffs? Or perhaps everyone thinks they are perfect now. What are everyone's thoughts on this.
--Killer Mittstarr
Former A-Guard LeSimoniel was recently demoted for inactivity after he was inactive for 13 days straight. When he was demoted we were left with only 3 A-Guards until IAmTheAppleKing was promoted to Head-Guard, the newest Head-Guard in a long time. We wish Apple luck with his Puerto Rican internet.
New Story Time:
Starting this week, every other day or less, our very own Mitsuo will be continuing the story from the most recent Book Contest judged by Warden Maelonic. The first part of this can be found here.
This is open to suggestions for where the story should go from the point left off the previous time.
Guards abuse new buffs on MCP Player while others watch:
The video above proves very solid Guard brutality against former guard zs471. As you can see by the video above a lot of people stood by and watched the guard brutality. As history has proven when things like this happen more follow. Will there be riots until these guards are given punishment!? Or will this be shut down by the "MAN" and be swept under the rug.
--Killer Mittstarr
Whaaaaaaat IS up MCP Alert, I'm your host Killer Mittstarr. leeeeeeeeeeeeets get RIGGGGHT INTO THE NEWSSS!
Incoming Blown Up Prison:
A couple of months ago a long lost loved staff member was demoted for inactivity, Geonat. With the Warden position up for grabs it was a question as who could take it or if it would even be filled at all. Most thought that Silas wouldn't fill the position for awhile as he said that MCP can run without a warden for the time being. Well I guess MCP can no longer run without a warden, and with that we welcome the newest Warden of MCP, Maelonic. Mae has been mod for 2 years with a decent bit of that time being a Sr.Mod. With this promotion we currently only have 2 mods, LittleLea and IcyCrevasse. That mod wall is looking pretty empty. So far Mae hasn't blown up the prison but if she wishes to follow Geonat's footsteps the next time you walk into courtyard may be your last.
Hall of Fame Update:
Speaking of Geonat, it is high time for us at MCP Alert to induct the man himself into the MCP Alert Hall of Fame. First meeting Geonat as A-Guard he has come quite a long ways from those days. Being made Warden shortly into Version 4 of MCP many of us wondered if he would crack under the pressure. Three years later he still remained to be Warden and keeping the bar up high in standards for the position. Having many friends from our players, some still active in the community, but even more ultimately leaving the server before he himself did he has always been there for players, whether in /v or not. I will personally never forget the first words Geonat ever spoke to me,
"Mitsuo_Wolfblood call for my sword" :')
Some wonder if current Warden Maelonic will be able to live up to his legacy. Or will she be like Claire and go afk for the next six months. Time will only tell. But for now? It's time to induct the former Warden, and the Vegan we all love, Geonat. Into the MCP Hall of Fame!
![[Image: 67248de979b6b67adc7260eed6f83629.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/67248de979b6b67adc7260eed6f83629.png)
--Killer Mittstarr
Weak Guards, Stronger Buffs:
Before we got new guards, the current guards were well to put it, getting their asses handed to them constantly. They were being farmed day and night constantly, very rarely winning in a riot. Recently Silas has buffed the guards, their tasers now are more powerful than a normal players taser. Guards taser's now deliver a more impactful and longer duration of slowness. Guards also now spawn with a lot more gaps than they did before as well as more taser charges.
New Staff, New Toys.:
After Silas posted in C that players should apply for staff even if they have been denied in the past, the applications came rolling in. At Least 10 in 48ish hours. No new mods have accepted as of the time of writing this, but 3 new guards have been added. RT1cTV, Coreygill1, and for the third time, yours truly, Dragon1240. With these new additions to the staff team and the new guard buffs, we are looking forward to a whole lot of ass kicking from the guards.
Update: As of this Issue Release DogTag has been accepted as our new Moderator.
--ThatLispyKid Updated by KillerMittstarr
Guards 2 Strong?!?:
As reported before by ThatLispyKid guards received a buff. But at this point in time, with the new amount of guards, and how often that they are in groups. Do they really require all the new buffs? Perhaps a rework to the system that was introduced at the beginning of Version Four. When there is only one guard one they get the higher buffs, when there are more guards online, 3-4 they get less op buffs. I personally never see a guard on by themselves unless a fellow guard is online via an alt. But perhaps there is a middle ground for buffs? Or perhaps everyone thinks they are perfect now. What are everyone's thoughts on this.
--Killer Mittstarr
Former A-Guard LeSimoniel was recently demoted for inactivity after he was inactive for 13 days straight. When he was demoted we were left with only 3 A-Guards until IAmTheAppleKing was promoted to Head-Guard, the newest Head-Guard in a long time. We wish Apple luck with his Puerto Rican internet.
New Story Time:
Starting this week, every other day or less, our very own Mitsuo will be continuing the story from the most recent Book Contest judged by Warden Maelonic. The first part of this can be found here.
This is open to suggestions for where the story should go from the point left off the previous time.
Guards abuse new buffs on MCP Player while others watch:
The video above proves very solid Guard brutality against former guard zs471. As you can see by the video above a lot of people stood by and watched the guard brutality. As history has proven when things like this happen more follow. Will there be riots until these guards are given punishment!? Or will this be shut down by the "MAN" and be swept under the rug.
--Killer Mittstarr
![[Image: ddd3abd87fa66d2fe566559613aff9db.jpg]](https://i.gyazo.com/ddd3abd87fa66d2fe566559613aff9db.jpg)