New Type Of Staff? Christmas Ideas
I thought this was a quite Ideal Post For SIlas to see I though there could be a type of staff like a "Event Planner" Not like Server Events Like "Bull rush" But More Holiday Related Stuff, I though I Could be good for this job. This could be cool because It could follow up in a few of the communities Ideas for santa, I thought we could use some of Serrian_ Ideas because I though they were Very good and funny, It was very cool How some of those ideas, His idea on Robot santa is funny And the futurama Picture Brings back memories But making A robot Santa Will be very hard to do making a sort Of Boss Being Tall You could use an iron Golem kind of like in another Server As a Robot Santa Buff up the Health to 750-1000 And some of the Think Sor of look like it It should Also have Mini Skeletons Shooting Arrows This will have to be more of a Team effort to kill And Rewards will be based Of of Damage Percent Done to The boss Like in chat it Will show a Message Like                                                                               


                                                                                                                                                      P1 50%
                                                                                                                                                      P2 50%
                                                                                                                              A RANDOM REWARD WILL BE GIVEN

I dont Know Maybe it would be a good Idea and I would like ot help out if this ever does become a job And if not I hope you Ecknoledge My Ideas. Thank you for reading G'day!


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