Polardog11 abuse
Your IGN:7yWatson
Abuser?s IGN:polardog11
Abuser?s rank:A-Guard
What the abuser was doing:Muted me for homophobic slurs
When this happened: 3:20 EST
Proof: http://imgur.com/ujaeTYi
Additional info: Muted for no reason Sad
First, embed the image. Second, the image only shows them muting you, not any chat prior to being muted.
Just so I can feel special

As Omega said (As I have no clue who the fuck he is) Image is not embeded, so even if this was legitimate nothing would be done. Picture only shows your mute no chat previous to said mute.

Also so I can beat Silas


Plx no ban just a prank bro.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
Omega is miner


[Image: mkBL7zX.png]
[Image: 3f2d36868b5f5bd4e6f50be87a33e298.png]
Yeah I cant change my forum username :/ but anyway that's off topic lol

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