Lufthansa1999's Updated Guard Application
What is your IGN? lufthansa1999

How old are you as of now? 16

What is your current playtime on the server? 64.9 hours

When can you play on MCP? Just about every day when I get home at 3:00 and any time on the weekends.

What is your timezone? Central

What is your rank on the server? Citizen

Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes, when it closed the first time I went to a different server that everyone went to called Killion then convicted re-opened so I went back there, then sadly it closed again and mostly everyone went on here so I joined as well.

Servers I have played on:
1. Convicted (Over 2 years)
2. Killion (Less then a year)

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank. I was Guard on the old convicted for more than a year and I had a blast on there guarding and playing with friends.

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes, I have, I have special eyes #MyBrand

Why should we pick you to be out next guard? I should be the next guard because I have experience in guarding. I was a guard on the old convicted for more than a year. I know the challenges it takes to being a guard, that being making sure people are following the rules, keeping the prison safe, and helping out lost players who need a bit of assistance. Furthermore I know the commands there are to guarding so you can be assure I know what I am doing. As well asĀ  the commands there are to this server, which I can now be a help to other players when starting. I'm not one of those people who has a macro saying something like welcome do ./tips and read the rules. It's very easy to just push a button saying that, I think you should take the time to know new players and help them out 1 on 1 instead of pushing a button telling them what to do. That's why you can count on me having a good bond with new players and wanting them to stay and bring their friends.

Thanks for reading <3 -Lufty


[Image: eJzzKU0rqVTQVXBOLM7My1fwyC8u4fIBiakXw8QK...hwHZU~.png]
Been a week since you've been on, for that reason denied. Feel free to repost or bump if you ever become more active.



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