MathewK101's Moderator Application
Age: I'm currently sixteen (16) years old.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
How Long Have You Played On MCP? I have been apart of the community for about one (1) week now.
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? I have never been banned on any servers, and I anticipate to keep it like that.
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? Not available.
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? I've only been apart of the community for a week, but my intention on the server is to help members of the community and enjoy my time while on the server. I always try to help the new members of the community when help is necessary. I enjoy talking to people on the server, the forums and the TeamSpeak server. I've reviewed the moderator rules/guidelines, and have acclimated to these rules. I have marvelous communication skills, and I always try to keep a cheerful nature well on the server and on the TeamSpeak. I consistently try to demonstrate my ability to go above and beyond. I have the ability to take criticism, even if it's negative or unfavorable. If I do become the next moderator, my intentions on the server will be to be helping and welcoming the new members, taking care of the rule breakers, and to make the server likable and fun for all members. Even if I don't get promote, my motive for the server will not change. Everyone deserves the same amount of respect, and that is my goal while being apart of the community, with or without the moderator rank.
Additional Information: I thought I would apply for this position because the moderator rank has been implemented (or in other words, built-in) to keep the server stabilized and to assist the new members of the community, which is something I acknowledge.
Pretty active in the game and on the forums. He's really friendly and helpful to everybody. He seems to treat everyone equally. +1
Really friendly and helps out a lot in game. Not sure that there are any spots open but it would be nice to see him as Mod.
Great player surprised he isnt staff yet +1


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