Sydney8192's Mod Application
Age: 15, 16 in 2 weeks

Timezone: PST

How Long Have You Played On MCP? I joined earlier today, voted and ranked up to B. Borrowed a nice pickaxe and mined my way up to Free.

Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? Nope, never.

If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? Nope.

Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? You should pick me to be the next moderator because I am the right person for the job. I am a girl that is loving, caring and fair. I think my personality fits this position very well. I have seen Craftin do his moderating job and it seems easy and fun, the right one for me. I have never been a moderator but I would like to begin my wonderful moderating career on a great server like this one. The minecraft community prison is awesome so far, I love it. Wonderful people, map, ranks, everything! I just hope to become mod because it would make my experience even more fun for me and for the other players. I can help even more with being a moderator. Besides the fact how I help out with donating, voting and inviting friends, I also could help out by clearing the chat and not allowing any harsh comments or anything along those lines. Having all these permissions help me expand the community to make it stronger and better.  I am a great person for the job, and I hope you consider me! Big Grin Thanks so much for reading my application! <3 -Sydney

Additional Information: To be honest, this is THE greatest server I have ever played on. &&&&& I read the rules like a thousand times.
Great app +1
Seems hard to read the rules a thousand times in one day. Observe how things work for a few days to get the feel of the server. We are still looking for one more potential moderator.



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