I like it i guess
the prison is going to change a lot when the server becomes a hub for hundreds of people..
I like Zeedin's better. The new one looks too tacky with the Cartoon swords. Make them default or faithful then it's okay, also make the color scheme like zeedin's. Add a Gray tint to the landscape and It will be better.
Will be posting videos relatively soon.
I like the new one better, It shows what the server is about, and its a little more fun looking. Zeedin's is kinda boring, no offense :/
you all now notice how "fast pace PVP" takes less time in the first .gif
(let's use the second)
(Apr 22nd, 2014, 10:43 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote:Zeedins ass is no joke.
Well, I will say that Zeedin's does look pretty awesome? But Silas' has a little more in it. I suggest you guys try to combine the two banners, and then it should look pretty beast.