Issue With My Account
As many of you know I recently had my courtyard plot removed as I was accused of having an alternative account that was used to bypass the rule of owning only two plots. The account that was said to be used was "bencw12" an account that is in no way connected to mine as it is simply a friend of mine that I play with. Ben, and many others such as ghostrider923, jonathangh, titanicman1912, thefinalmexican, and jmm106, are all friends of mine that constantly play at each other's house. We host parties and simply have each other over to hang out and play games such as minecraft. While I had bencw12 over my house at one point I decided to give him my extra courtyard plot and my old plot on the free wing as I was planning on keeping my chicken courtyard plot and buying FuturePinger's old plot as it was next to the chicken plot. I had spoken with Silas_Bowen on the issue and he stated that a household can only have 2 plots and that made me question if the problem was that bencw12 had obtained the plots at my house. I understand fully that I will not receive my plot in the courtyard back as it has been cleared and soled, but I simply would like my account and ben's to separate as it rightfully should. As from my point of view I cannot have any plots as Ben already obtains two plots.
Going back to the subject that Silas had brought up on a household only being allowed to have two plots, would this issue be solved simply by having bencw12 repurchase the plots at his house. I can have him repurchase them tonight as he is planning on getting on the server.
Anyways thank you for your time and listening to my issue at hand, I had no intention of breaking any rules or causing any trouble but simply wanted to play with my friends on a server I thoroughly enjoy.

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