Dragon1240's Guard Application
What is your IGN? Dragon1240

How old are you as of now? 14

What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime) 169,4

When can you play on MCP? 4-10 PM On Weekdays (Possibly earlier or later depending on the day.) 12 - 12 PM On Weekends (Breaks during these hours.)

What is your timezone? Eastern Standard (3 Hours ahead of PST)

What is your rank on the server? Citizen

Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes I have played on numerous Non-Op Prison Servers before MCP such as Killion.

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). No, however I have been watching the guards when online and asking questions about guarding.

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes

Why should we pick you to be our next guard?  There have been over 125 guards that have "retired" according to the room at /info. Around 50 of the reasons for demotion was something related to ,"inactivity." Since I joined on Christmas Eve I have been extremely active over the past 2 1/2 months. Most of the newer guards fade out after a few days or a week and become surprisingly less active. I will dedicate all I can to this server. To show my dedication I have gotten Votetop the last two months in a row.

Thanks for taking the time to read!

"I'm going to steal the Declaration of Independence."


(Apr 5th, 2017, 02:56 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote:No singing in Communist MCP Kappa


"I don't think it's Dragon, I think he is just being retarded as usual." - zs471 4/26/2017

You will be remembered zs471, F.

(Sep 24th, 2017, 09:25 AM)zs471 link Wrote:You know I was actually just thinking to myself, 'You know who would be a good guard?' Then it came to me. Obviously Dragon1240 would be a good guard. +1
1. Nice guy 1+
2. Your app doesn't have too much effort, the spacing just makes it look big, put more effort into the "Why we should pick you to be our next guard" Section


//[Image: KSuhqwo.png]
Very active and kind player, +1


[Image: 06RpXAX.png]
[Image: 59Quth5.png]
[Image: dOpSRFk.png]
(Mar 8th, 2017, 03:27 PM)Coolskate2449 link Wrote: 1. Nice guy 1+
2. Your app doesn't have too much effort, the spacing just makes it look big, put more effort into the "Why we should pick you to be our next guard" Section

Thanks! P.S. I had to count the number of guards in retired staff and then recount the number of inactive. But overall thanks for your reply!


(Apr 5th, 2017, 02:56 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote:No singing in Communist MCP Kappa


"I don't think it's Dragon, I think he is just being retarded as usual." - zs471 4/26/2017

You will be remembered zs471, F.

(Sep 24th, 2017, 09:25 AM)zs471 link Wrote:You know I was actually just thinking to myself, 'You know who would be a good guard?' Then it came to me. Obviously Dragon1240 would be a good guard. +1
(Mar 8th, 2017, 03:29 PM)Girlsrock5133 link Wrote: Very active and kind player, +1

Thanks for the reply!


(Apr 5th, 2017, 02:56 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote:No singing in Communist MCP Kappa


"I don't think it's Dragon, I think he is just being retarded as usual." - zs471 4/26/2017

You will be remembered zs471, F.

(Sep 24th, 2017, 09:25 AM)zs471 link Wrote:You know I was actually just thinking to myself, 'You know who would be a good guard?' Then it came to me. Obviously Dragon1240 would be a good guard. +1
I've spoken to him a lot on ts lately, been really nice and has knowledge. Overall a good choice for the position.


he has pet ducks and they make funny sounds +1

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