DaddyRacrifice's Guard App
What is your IGN? DaddyRacrifice
How old are you as of now?16
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime)124.2
When can you play on MCP? Every week, on one week I can play from 3:30 until 9:00. The other week varies.
What is your timezone?Central Standard Time (CST)
What is your rank on the server?Citizen
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes, I have played on 3 different prison servers. However, I fell in love with this one.
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible).Matter of fact I have. I have been guard on 1 other server, Slabcraft and later was the Warden, but resigned due to family problems.
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room?Yes I have, and I hope to eventually steal the Declaration of Independence.
Why should we pick you to be our next guard?I am very active and love playing this server. I have played since V2 and have loved every moment of it. I know my past hasn't been the greatest and I hope to show everyone I'm not the same person I was. I have changed and would like to change MCP for the better. Yes, MCP has seen better days, but I would like to be able to bring MCP back to the way it use to be. I am very skilled at PvP and can show the new guys around and can also protect them. I would like to provide MCP with the best staff it has. I am a very experienced player and would love to show MCP I have several aspects of me that would make a great team member. I have matured over the years and hope to show everyone that I have. MCP isn't just a regular server, it has always been my home and I love it. I hope to be the next C-Guard and show everyone that I am a great person and chill to hangout with.

Thanks for your time,
Fellow MCP Player
Not sure what to say really. +1


[Image: XldgxAq.png]
You Needed JimmyDragonJr. Now you have got him.. XD
[Image: M2oq2bs.png]
not great -1
Thanks for the feedback everyone, greatly appreciated. Smile
+1 A great player, person in general, has a good app, and always is on top of things!
Not yet


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Thanks for the feedback zs, I will try to be a better player overall. Thanks guys!
I haven't seen him on lately, and he is sometimes immature, but if he sincerely has changed and wants to help out the server by being staff, then I'd give him a shot, if he hasn't change then -1.


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Yes Girls, I 100% agree with you. I have changed and I want one shot. To show that I have sincerely changed and to show support to the greatest server!
Yes I know he is my brother. However, he is a great person and seems like he would be a good guard as he has been on other servers. I am casting my vote for Racrifice. +1

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