Blister... Racism
IGN: Blister
Who banned you? Don't know
When were you banned? (Time/Date) 11:26 PM CST / 11/6/2016 (D/M/Y)
Why were you banned? "Racism"
Are you at fault? Not at all
What was your rank on MCP? Citizen
Why should we unban you? I was asked to fight someone like I fought "that one nigga" and I asked him who, and where at, then I proceeded to tell him not to say "Nigga" as it is against the rules, and will get you in trouble.. then I got banned...
Additional info:
I feel as if whoever banned me took what I said way out of context.
I was accused of trying to be racist, when I wasn't...
I was the person who said the first thing to him, and I was not banned so this is unfair, If anything give me the punishment and take his away, he was litterally telling me a rule that I didn't know this is unright please unban this man

(Blister get on your ts)
Unbanned, will specify rules such as this. Neither of them were really in the wrong. Just next time say "the N word"



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