Blister... Racism - Printable Version

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Blister... Racism - Blister - Jun 11th, 2016

IGN: Blister
Who banned you? Don't know
When were you banned? (Time/Date) 11:26 PM CST / 11/6/2016 (D/M/Y)
Why were you banned? "Racism"
Are you at fault? Not at all
What was your rank on MCP? Citizen
Why should we unban you? I was asked to fight someone like I fought "that one nigga" and I asked him who, and where at, then I proceeded to tell him not to say "Nigga" as it is against the rules, and will get you in trouble.. then I got banned...
Additional info:
I feel as if whoever banned me took what I said way out of context.

Re: Blister... Racism - Blister - Jun 11th, 2016

I was accused of trying to be racist, when I wasn't...

Re: Blister... Racism - Arms - Jun 11th, 2016

I was the person who said the first thing to him, and I was not banned so this is unfair, If anything give me the punishment and take his away, he was litterally telling me a rule that I didn't know this is unright please unban this man

(Blister get on your ts)

Re: Blister... Racism - LaughNgamez - Jun 11th, 2016

Unbanned, will specify rules such as this. Neither of them were really in the wrong. Just next time say "the N word"