MikeTheos23's Guard Application
Age: 16
Timezone: AEDEST+10
How Long Have You Played On MCP?  8 months
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? Yes, i have
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? Because i asked my friend to play hypixel
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? I have been on this server for a while now and i play on this server everyday non stop and i am calm and will love to experience being  a guard and i love this server. I know most of the prison. I like enforcing rules and I love being helpful. I am very experienced with prison servers. I am usually on anywhere from 1 to 7 hours a day. I also enjoy talking to other prisoner and guards. I consider myself a good PVP-er but definitely not the best.
Additional Information: . I also easily make new friends and welcome new players. I never want anyone left out. I think that anyone and everyone should be included no matter who they are, what they think, and what they do. I love to help others. I also try to spend lots of time getting to know the guards, wardens, and other prisoners on the server. If I do become guard, I will be committed to helping those in need, something I like doing the best. I am responsible and smart. I know the rules and, most importantly, follow them. I feel as if I should be given a chance as guard.i think you should pick me because I know the rules, I listen to orders, and I will help the prisoners be safe. Being a staff member is something I am highly familiar with. I have been an admin on a survival server for nearly 2 years until it ended up going down. I ran my own server for less than a year which did a lot better than a survival server could with the advanced modding everywhere else. Aside from my previous experience, I believe that I posses qualities that will benefit the server and the community. I am mature and can tell the difference between right and wrong. It sounds like such a menial trait, but it is a trait that has been often left for granted. I also genuinely enjoy helping others. I try to greet the fresh-spawns as frequently as possible and try to help them get established. I remember, 2 weeks or so ago, I killed a C and Maaty told me not to do it because it drives them away from the server. I realized that he was right and since them have done nothing but help new comers. I admit I am not the greatest pvper but I certainly am not the worst and when it comes to protecting players, I will not back down. I hope you take my application into consideration as I feel I can be a beneficial member of the staff team.You should pick me as your next guard because I am dedicated to this server, I love to help people. I also really like to pvp, and I consider myself great at it. I am very friendly, and ambitious. I have special eyes #MyBrand, though I do wear glasses. I listen and am a peoples person. I am very good at ending player arguments, and try to make everyone on the server happy. I have had doubts to myself of starting arguments and yelling at people in the server, but I have trained my self control. I have learned, and am learning to fully control my anger. Everyone knows Charlie, and just about everyone likes Charlie, I have a few people that I am not 100% friends with, but Nothing will change my attitude once I am guard.you should pick me because i have experience and i want to do what i can to help the server and make it more enjoyable for all the player. i do not abuse and i am reasonable. I feel that I'm now more used to the community and can take on this task. I can be trusted with the powers that I would get from being a mod, and I have experience being a staff member. I've been staff on a total of 8 or 9 servers in my lifetime, my most recent one was convicted, where I was a guard for 3 years before becoming and AlphaGuard.(Head-Guard here) If I'm picked I will work well with the other staff members and Maaty (a current mod) is a friend of mine from convicted and we were both AlphaGuards there. I would be comfortable in that position and I believe that I can help MCP be a more welcoming, safe place. You should pick me to be a guard because my ability to listen to instructions is pretty good, I have special eyes #MyBrand. Anyways, I think I should be picked as a guard because of one main reason. I love MCP, I can't get enough of it, I am helpful to players every now and then, and I do indeed get in arguments and I will admit I have a bit of a loose temper but I have been working on controlling that. Everyone makes mistakes. I am very active and play many hours a day just having fun, I do realize I quit guard the last time I got it but I quit because I had no freedom, I have recently discovered guards have been given a bit for freedom and I feel like I am up to the task of being a guard because it is fun and a very joyful experience. I also love pvp, which is an upside(not a requirement) if I get guard, I get to pvp pretty much every day which I love. I sometimes get in arguments and or have a hard time, but everyone has hard times and we need to just work through them. I would love an opportunity to be a guard on MCP once again, I know the guard faction is pretty full with inactive members, that's another upside, I am extremely active and I am grateful I can get on MCP every day with no time limit to my imagination of minecraft. MCP has been my favourite server for a whole year, which is about how long I've been playing, I am very experienced within the MCP community and I would love a shot at guard. Thank you for your time and reading this app, hope you consider me XD
Was just denied...


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
Please stop...  facepalming nope.jpeg


[Image: 06RpXAX.png]
[Image: 59Quth5.png]
[Image: dOpSRFk.png]
Dude is there a brain somewhere inside your skull because you are not acting like it. Your previous guard application just got denied. Give up while you can and learn to fix your mistakes. You obviously copy off of people and we both know that so don't even try to deny it because you are just lying to yourself.  When you can learn to fix your mistakes, stop lying, and stop copying people feel free to make another application. Until then please for the love of god stop embarrassing yourself.  omgemj nopeimj facepalming 


Me: So Link showed me an old forum post where you say you wouldn't mind selling the server and he want's to buy it from you XD

Silas: I would never sell the server to a little shit fuck like him

Don't worry, "bout a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright - Bob Marley
I see Tysuns guard app, along with TGOutbreak, and a lot others, please get this through your thick skull you aren't getting Guard/mod,
1). Wrong format.
2). Copies others applications.
3). Lies and tries to deny copying others appications + Telling people to check your application.
4). Have you not noticed you have like 6 #Mybrand in each paragraph?
5). You were just denied.... All you do is copy and paste, and do the same shit everytime
Overall I don't think you are fit out to be staff. -1


[Image: 06RpXAX.png]
[Image: 59Quth5.png]
[Image: dOpSRFk.png]
The level of minuses I give this app is over 9000!!


Me: So Link showed me an old forum post where you say you wouldn't mind selling the server and he want's to buy it from you XD

Silas: I would never sell the server to a little shit fuck like him

Don't worry, "bout a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright - Bob Marley
(Feb 13th, 2016, 05:03 PM)Agent_Dash link Wrote: The level of minuses I give this app is over 9000!!
If only it were possible...


[Mod] at Minecraft Community Prison
Stay Classy
thx DASH but hopefully I will get guard very soon  GG
(Feb 13th, 2016, 07:43 PM)MikeTheos23 link Wrote: thx DASH but hopefully I will get guard very soon  GG
he fucking.. I'm done with you.. .You are not 16, I actually would love to fucking see you as guard you probably don't know any of the rules.


[Image: 06RpXAX.png]
[Image: 59Quth5.png]
[Image: dOpSRFk.png]
I read the rules every day

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