coreygill1 Mod Application
coreygill1 Mod Application
Timezone:(UTC-07:00)Mountain Time (US&Canada) This does not really matter since I get on when I can and that is a lot.

How Long Have You Played On MCP? I think three years I was in grade 8 when I first started playing on this server and I am in 11 now. I got so mad since there were no servers out there that people worked together on and every time I went on a server it was destroyed, at this time I did not have a computer. I was playing on my brother's computer since he was at a friends for the weekend. Every day i was up until four AM. It was so much fun. I help out C people since when i was C a guy help me get to B. It was so hard to get to B since it was 10K not 5K like today and i almost forgot when Silas got pissed off one day when the server was having a "meltdown" T.P. us everywhere i got banned for one day.

Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? YA banned like a long time ago. One of my friends said I was hacking when I was not. He said I had a hack client and X-ray. Kicked for A.F.K., spam and when people get you mad swearing.

If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? I think I was banned for four mouths for what my friend did to me.

Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? I know the rules and I have been here since the stone age. I have seen the maps change and the people change I need a reason almost to get on since all the old buds are gone. I have a small YouTube Chanel and I want to do videos. I have done some videos, but it is not consistent in the uploads since I did not have that much time to record or I did not want to do it, all I wanted to do was play. Do something like "Life of a M.O.D. or something.

Additional Information: I would love to be apart of the crime fighting team..... I would love to keep people in line on the server. I  should also apply for guard since i just build my pc and I can pvp with good FPS. I have 400 FPS without OPTIFINE!

I am on after school and i am 1 H ahead the server and i haveone1Hour bus ride.

Why I should be the next M.O.D.

    There are so many reasons why I should be the next MOD. One reason is I know the rules, I am an old M.C.P. I would love to join the crime fighting team. The first reason is I know all the rules. One big reason why I know the rules. I learn by doing. When I got banded and muted you know what you did wrong. The second thing is I am an old M.C.P. I have played on this server for three years I think and they have been good and I would love to be part of the staff. I feel like being a part of the staff will get me on the server as much as passable and it will feel like an awesome job. Since I am an old M.C.P. person I might have to look into the rules if you changed them a bit. I know them it is just the other day a Moderator was saying that you mute the old players if they do something and the new players get a break. The last reason is that I would love to belong the Crime fighting team. I would love to keep the chat at peace and help the new people and anyone else with anything that they need. Since I have been on the server for a long time I would love to help people, I already do. When C people join the server I give them 5K since someone helped me. I would love to join the Staff if you would have me.

#new and improved
Made an app November 29, 2015 and November 30, 2015, was denied both times and is trying to re-apply for mod after being denied twice in the same week. Improved spelling slightly but still is not as good as it should be for a "17" year old. -1
u makeing fun of my diss ? it is hard for me to read and wright !!!!!!
Making fun of your diss? That makes no sense, and why would you be reading and typing unless #1 your reading a book and not focusing on your app or #2 copying another app?
And it is not just that, you are constantly applying and constantly being denied, no offense but maybe take a break? I know guard apps must wait two weeks before next application, not sure about mod apps, but either way maybe don't apply every day. Keep in mind I still respect you and I do not think you are doing anything bad, but maybe just take it easy on the apps and stay focused when making an app so there are no mistakes? Anyways that's my evaluation, have a nice day
Coreygill, I'm sorry you will not be getting moderator.


silas was the tech i make a app XD he grades it i look at it and then inprove XD
try again in 2 weeks XD
Okay. If you're 17 years old, why do you spell like a 1st grader? If you spell like that in school, then you must still be in elementary school...  facepalming


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Please lock this fucking post already.


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