lord_bills54 Guard Application
What is your IGN? lord_bills54
How old are you as of now? I am currently 13
When can you play on MCP? i can play everyday after school from 3:40pm to 7:30pm and weekends from 9:30am to 12:00pm
What is your timezone? Central time
What is your rank on the server? citizen
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? I have been guard on mcp but not for long
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). mcp-mcs.com
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes i know all the rules in info room and prisoner room and guard rules
Why should we pick you to be out next guard? You should pick me to be the next guard cause i could be very good my pvp skills have gotten better and i know i was demoted for being staff on other servers but i am not staff on any servers now and i love the server i help new player's alot and introduce them to mcp and cdgs i ask them to vote but not right away i tell them how to get to the mines if they ask and i tell them about the cool stuff you can get in the point shop i make sure they enjoy there time on the server and not get killed right off the back and i try helping them get to more ranks so they can have the best experience on mcp and the whole entire cdgs server it has been lowering players and it's really great if when could get them to stay and that's what i want to try doing getting the new players to stay and get protected and protect other players from others if they cant fight that well and old players are getting inactive lately and it would be great if they could stay and then have them help and other stuff give suggestions and have ideas cause in my opinion mcp if a free place to think and put your ideas there in the forums suggestion from all the players that still play

Thanks for reading


srry i wasnt thinking right
-1 mean to me  salt salt


All you say when we are alone in ts is calling me a cunt and other stuff
(Aug 26th, 2015, 08:01 PM)xxlink2003xx link Wrote:-1 mean to me  salt salt

(Aug 26th, 2015, 08:15 PM)lord_bills54 link Wrote:All you say when we are alone in ts is calling me a cunt and other stuff

Both of you seem to be setting the other up. Wouldn't you think it better to not try and sabotage the other? Lord with his comment on your app link and you with yours. You are mean to him and he is mean to you. Yet you both continue to skype and ts each other. If he was mean to you or you he neither of you would continue to talk together let alone skype calls alone.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
From lord's previous guard experience he obviously knows the rules. Although his  commitment may be an issue. I don't know for sure but from what I know he is still
admin on another server. If he wants Staff on MCP that won't be allowed... If he can prove that he will be committed to MCP and is not Staff on another server he is worth a shot. For now -1.
nate i am no longer staff on any other server just to remind you nobody gets on and i resigned from my position on both servers and when you was head-guard you was trying to get warden on the same server i was
(Aug 26th, 2015, 03:11 PM)lord_bills54 link Wrote: What is your IGN? lord_bills54
How old are you as of now? I am currently 13
When can you play on MCP? i can play everyday after school from 3:40pm to 7:30pm and weekends from 9:30am to 12:00pm
What is your timezone? Central time
What is your rank on the server? citizen
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? I have been guard on mcp but not for long
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). mcp-mcs.com
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes i know all the rules in info room and prisoner room and guard rules
Why should we pick you to be out next guard? You should pick me to be the next guard cause i could be very good my pvp skills have gotten better and i know i was demoted for being staff on other servers but i am not staff on any servers now and i love the server i help new player's alot and introduce them to mcp and cdgs i ask them to vote but not right away i tell them how to get to the mines if they ask and i tell them about the cool stuff you can get in the point shop i make sure they enjoy there time on the server and not get killed right off the back and i try helping them get to more ranks so they can have the best experience on mcp and the whole entire cdgs server it has been lowering players and it's really great if when could get them to stay and that's what i want to try doing getting the new players to stay and get protected and protect other players from others if they cant fight that well and old players are getting inactive lately and it would be great if they could stay and then have them help and other stuff give suggestions and have ideas cause in my opinion mcp if a free place to think and put your ideas there in the forums suggestion from all the players that still play

Thanks for reading
Listen this is the best app out of all the little apps out there the longest and best he is definately getting guard unless of course you all are fools 1+  GG GG


//[Image: KSuhqwo.png]
Lol look at this guy's grammar  noob


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