SnipedYall's Guard Application
[size=1em]I think it's been long enough for me to reapply.

Fun Fact:
?Donuts Don't Have Farms?[/size]

[size=1em]What is your IGN? SnipedYall[/size]

[size=1em]How old are you as of now? 13[/size]

[size=1em]When can you play on MCP? About 2:10 PM - 9:00 PM weekdays (EST)[/size]

[size=1em]What is your timezone? EST[/size]

[size=1em]What is your rank on the server? Citizen[/size]

[size=1em]Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Nope. Unless you count MCP.[/size]

[size=1em]Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). ( I have TONS of experience with guarding on MCP. I have been guard multiple times and I know what to do by heart.[/size]

[size=1em]Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? I have read the rules everywhere on the prison and they are still fresh in my mind.[/size]
[size=1em]Why should we pick you to be out next guard? To begin with, although I was recently demoted, I don't think it was because I was doing my job incorrectly. ( GG  ) I think that I could protect and serve MCP. Also, I will be respectful to everyone on MCP and do my job no matter what. I would like if Silas puts the past behind and judges if I should get guard or not based on this application. MCP's guards are usually offline and innocent C-Blockers quit the server because players with better items can kill them. I hope to see that I can lower the amount of quits and up the amount of players that stay. I understand what I must do and plan to follow the rules 100% of the time. I've made a ton of stupid mistakes in the past and I hope this time, I won't make any mistakes. But, Silas has to understand that I'm human and make mistakes sometimes. Guarding is my passion because I feel great that I protect prisoners from harms way. I will put my full effort into guarding this time. I also hope to befriend players and not disrespect them. Hopefully I can lower the amount of people that hate me also! I expect that Silas won't accept this because I just got demoted/other reasons. After being prisoner for multiple days I've been extremely bored because nothing appealed to me as being prisoner. I loved being guard because I was protecting innocent prisoners and keeping the prison safe. Also, I had so many good memories from being guard and getting demoted just destroys me. I would love if I got another chance Big Grin . Furthermore, I will report any bugs to Silas/a warden I find. I won't abuse any bugs either. To conclude, I hope that Silas overlooks anything I've done in the past and gives me a final chance at guard!  Kappa Leave replies telling me where I could improve please! (Keep it on topic) [/size][color=rgb(34, 34, 34)]If you can't think of a [/color][color=rgb(34, 34, 34)]constructive[/color][color=rgb(34, 34, 34)] purpose for giving [/color][color=rgb(34, 34, 34)]feedback[/color][color=rgb(34, 34, 34)], don't give it at all.[/color]


Oldest lasting player that isn't a staff member currently
Quote:[size=0.9em][color=rgb(141, 141, 141)]

2nd times the charm?
3rd times the charm?
4th times the charm?

Stop reposting your app.[/color][/size]

Silas told you once stop reporting your app.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
I messaged him if I should just delete it and he didn't say "yes" so I figured I'd post it again since cougar got demoted. But I'd rather him give someone else a chance if it came down to it. I want guard badly but I've had a ton of chances at it. I felt as if my last was the most improved time.


Oldest lasting player that isn't a staff member currently
-1 literally just applied wait a couple of weeks eager mc beaver.


be more active


where did Warden astral go


[Image: mca.png]
Very inactive logs on once in 4 days 1-


//[Image: KSuhqwo.png]

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