Sparky123818585's Mod Application
Timezone: Mountian Timezone.
How Long Have You Played On MCP? 3-4 years now.
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? never.
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long?
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? If anything it's because i enjoy helping out others and i could be a really great mod if you gave me the chance First of all, i don't get mad easily, i am very respectful,i wont ban someone without a good reason,I've read the rules multiple times,i am very active on this server, and maybe if you just gave me the chance i could do a great job at being moderator.

Additional Information:
So you claim your 14, I don't see a period in that whole app and its short. I'm no language arts teacher but you just got an F. -1


I don't see any periods in your reply.
I don't think it would have mattered to badly and yes i'm 14 u can have your own opinion though but its far from the facts.
Can someone tell me how to remove a reply or is that impossible.
Short app -1
#1 Honestly a poorly written app
#2 We're full on mods currently
#3 You seem to have played on MCP longer than it has been online Smile


i cant exactly remember how long ive played so i just took a guess because i know that ive played for a long time well i played as Soyran before now i play as sparky
yes i agree its poorly written i should have wrote it better than it is and i just found out there are 5 mods now

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