FrostbiteGamer's Gaurd Application
What is your IGN: FrostbiteGamer

How old are you as of now: 15

What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime): 60 hrs

When can you play on MCP: Everyday. No exact time but around evenings and nights are when I am mostly on.

What is your timezone: EDT

What is your rank on the server: Citizen

Do you have any experience with other prison servers: No, but I love this one.

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible): I do not, but I feel that I will do a great job at this job. I will be responsible with my power and I will follow the rules of being a guard aswell.

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room: Yes, I have and I agree with the rules.

Why should we pick you to be our next guard: I am a responsible person. Yes sometimes I do rage and I am working on fixing my problem but I plan not to do that anymore. I also am on very often so I can help out a-lot. I also have read all the rules and have memorized the times for jailing.

I feel I could help the CDGS Community a-lot and I hope you consider adding me as a guard.
Considering you are missing one key part that shows you didn't read the rules I would say you are unready to be a gaurd also with question #8 you didn't answer the question at all. You also spelled guard wrong on the subject.
I did answer the question because I said I did not have any experience on any other server.
(Jul 4th, 2017, 05:59 PM)koolkid123 link Wrote: Considering you are missing one key part that shows you didn't read the rules I would say you are unready to be a gaurd also with question #8 you didn't answer the question at all. You also spelled guard wrong on the subject.
"You also spelled guard wrong" So did you "Considering you are missing one key part that shows you didn't read the rules I would say you are unready to be a [gaurd]"

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