xXACDC64Xx's Guard Application
What is your IGN? My IGN is xXACDC64Xx.
When can you play on MCP? I can play on MCP from 4:00pm-10:00pm on weekdays and from 1:00pm-11:00pm on weekends/Holidays.
What is your timezone? My timezone is Eastern Standard Time(EST).
[size=10pt]What is your rank on the server? My rank is currently Free.
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes I have played on three other prison servers and one of them I was guard on but I have the most experience with this one.
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank. I was a C-Guard on this server then asked for demote and I was First-Class Guard on another server which is equal to C-Guard.
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes I Have read and memorized the prisoner and guard rules of this server and if I get guard I will review them often to keep my memory fresh.
Why should we pick you to be out next guard? I feel like you should pick me because I donated, I really want to help the server and protect people, I have been on this server for over a year and a half, I have experience with guard, I was mod so I should be trusted and I am really enthusiastic when I am guard.Oh and one more thing... [glow=red,2,300]sedimentary torch[/glow]  :-X
Good at pvp,made ur app bit better I guess +1
Do you have to make the font 20 times bigger? Its really annoying and Im sure the Wardens and Silas do not like having to read that. Also short, and not a very good app. -1
(Mar 15th, 2014, 02:29 PM)ShadowHunterDaPro link Wrote: Its really annoying and Im sure the Wardens and Silas do not like having to read that.

Let the staff speak for themselves.
I will, but I'm sure they would say the same thing, but probably don't want to waste their time on it.
sorry about the font it got messed up some how and thats you personal opinion <3
(Mar 15th, 2014, 02:32 PM)ShadowHunterDaPro link Wrote: I will, but I'm sure they would say the same thing, but probably don't want to waste their time on it.

Its not even that annoying.

This would be annoying
^If it worked
Why is everyone on this server so against me? lol at least thats how it seems
because you've been banned multiple times on oldmcp for doing the dumbest stuff?

would that be it?


(Apr 22nd, 2014, 10:43 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote:Zeedins ass is no joke.
That was the old me and i was never banned on this account just once on my other...

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