What is your IGN? DaltonShelNutt (This is jabby32's alt account. I would make a forum account for it, but the kid who made the account can't get into the email :/ #1802aswagg)
When can you play on MCP? I used to play all the time until firewing entered willtd05's alternate account and greifed our faction... but I think that having an alternate account to do my pvp on will really help me get back into the server. So almost any time of the day I'm not doing work and want to pvp.. which is a lot O.o
What is your timezone? Eastern Standard Time
What is your rank on the server? Citizen, Baron is too mainstream B-]
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank. I used to be a guard on this server before the reset.
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes I have, "sedimentary torch"
Why should we pick you to be out next guard? I am loyal, and avoid guard abuse as much as possible. I am only human, so I will make mistakes, but I think the prisoners and other staff members will be understanding and tell me what I have done wrong to make me better at being a guard. I am getting discouraged to play this server and need something to make me want to come back and instead of having a guard break I can have a full time account for guarding activities. I will avoid doing what SnipedYall did with the constant account swap. (Silas will and flesher have gotten their own alternate accounts so this is only me now. If anyone comes on from another ip they are not supposed to, and please inform me so I can deal with the problem.) I am friends with a few guards including SummonHalo and and BloodBath and Will and flesher are working on getting their alts guards aswell. I am currently Head-Warden on another server and have done A LOT of work on that server. So if i were to get all the way to warden. I would sorta turn into Zeedin's assistant, considering I am awful with commands but alright"ish" with world edit. I have been playing MCP for almost 4 moths now, I think, That used to be in applications before so I guess I should add it. OK I have been rambling for a while but I really want guard. So um, yeah BAI!


[Image: o1jgDsn.gif]
i approve <3

jabbs+will= epic guards


C'mon Bro Pop Off ??∆˙???˙∆˚≤??∫??∆˚??∫√?∂???∑???????
I do like the app, but there is one issue. zeedin lets nobody help him. he's so ocd about building


(Apr 22nd, 2014, 10:43 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote:Zeedins ass is no joke.
Ok so I guess I won't be Zeedin's assistant  :'(.I guess if I make it up to Warden ,which I plan to do,  I'll find my own thing to do, but currently I'm going to focus on the guarding aspect Wink. Please tell me if you accept me into your life :3.


[Image: o1jgDsn.gif]
Oh crap I think I was mistaken on my rank. I am Citizen on Jabby32. Free on DaltonShelNutt. Sorry >.<


[Image: o1jgDsn.gif]
E! the rank is E, i just went on to check final answer!


[Image: o1jgDsn.gif]
+1,  It was during the riot and we were in ts, and he helped us alot!!


[Image: 46w4L0e.jpg]
+1 I think he deserves guard because he annoys the players during the riots so that could give the guards a chance to restock their armor and goldapples. He deserves the open guard position.


Oldest lasting player that isn't a staff member currently
+1. Would like to see another active guard on (instead of summon and I Confused). Jabby is a nice guy, and I believe he would be and excellent guard to be along side of. After 3 guards getting the demote hammer (ura, evangough, and geo getting a promo) we need more guards. Put him on the team, Silas!


[Image: eJxzLMvPySzJzM9zT8zNzEtX0FXwTc1NVfBNzOMq...B7Gx-J.png]
[move]( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?)[/move]
[Image: ZlBOKFu.png?1]
I'd prefer it if he applied on his main account, that is why 90% of alt account apps are denied.



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