blackdragons76 [Fixed]
What is your IGN? blackdragons76

When can you play on MCP? Weekdays 4-10pm

What is your timezone? Pacific Time (US & Canada)

What is your rank on the server? Free

Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes I have, I have played about 10 Different Prison

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank: No I am Head-Warden on a server i will prove it too

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes, Some of the rules are, do not kill without a reason, follow all chats rules, respect all players and staff, Do not Create Swords to sell, ALSO DO NOT ABUSE KIT GUARD, Do Not Use Hacks, Do not ask For wardens to check your app, You must jail people for the correct times, Wear Chain at all times,follow all moderating rules, you may jail players for,
Having a sword -5min, Having a bow -5min, Having Chain -15min, having negative splash potions -5min, PvP Abuse -15min, Excessive PvP 15-min.

Why should we pick you to be out next guard? I am a rule enforcer in general, i also like to help people,I enjoy this server, especially compared to other prison servers where either the economy sucks, or the guards are abusive/cruel. Also because i am a very helpful person. i know how to work plugins/commands. Also Because i take my job seriously. i also want to protect people that are new from being killed by the jerks out there. It says to say "Sedimentary Torch"
It's not bad. You did read all the rules, yet.. I think there could be a little more, info wise. Good job otherwise though. Smile
I agree with peanut its a good up and i see you have read the rules and i think you would be a good guard
Thank you guys
Well I hope i did good Smile 8)

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