Cinnarolls1's Ban Appeal
IGN: Cinnarolls1
Who banned you?: DogTag93
When were you banned? (Time/Date): 3:45 PM, December 9th, 2018
Why were you banned?: Shift Running
Are you at fault?: I don't believe so
What was your rank on MCP?: Citizen
Why should we unban you?: I believe I should be unbanned me because I don't even know why I was banned in the first place. I was just coming out of the KOTL event and for some reason, I started to walk weird. I started pausing when I was walking around and I got a bit confused. However, once I said I was going to relog hoping to fix the problem, I got banned for "Shift Running." In the fact of shift running, I don't know if this was a glitch or not, but I certainly wouldn't just want to shift run for no reason. At the moment I was banned, there was no reason for me to be shift running because of the fact that I always play fair in events, and because of the fact I don't PVP on a daily basis, I wouldn't want to use shift running in that matter either. Additionally, I believe that I should be unbanned because I have dedicated so much time and effort into the server hanging with the friends there I know and love today, I wouldn't just want to give everything away because of a glitch or potential ban to play around with. I try to be very cautious about how I play the game and I haven't been banned for a glitch or ban reason beforehand, so I disagree that I would want to start now? Therefore, in closing, I hope that I can be unbanned from the home server I love and know today. However, if not, it's understandable. Thanks Smile
Where you fined and do you think you deserve reimbursement? I don't believe I was fined, so I don't think I need this part.
Additional info: N/A
You've been unbanned for a week while we look into this bug. Ideally we'll be able to replicate it without a client by then.


Cinna I want to make it clear to you that I fully did not expect that if I were to ban someone for hacking that you would be one of the people who would come up. I hope you and everyone else understands that seeing someone crouch/run in the manner you did is a bannable offense. There is strong contention about this being a bug (especially in older versions of minecraft) . To this day no one is able to replicate how this bug occurs, including me Silas and the rest of the staff and community. Of course, we will keep testing but until then we have to treat this as someone using mods.

In light of everything, going forward I'm going to give everyone who experiences this bug/mod a chance after they have appealed on the forums. From what we know this happens rarely so the likelihood of it happening again is low. People who are hacking will surely hack again and this is the mindset I am going to apply when dealing with this. I cannot guarantee this is how it will be in the future but for the immediate time, this is how I am handling this. At this moment I'm pretty sure Silas unbanned you, Welcome back!

Anyone else banned for this is under review.


[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]
Just to note, I talked with DogTag about this, I noticed in events where when a player wins and other players are still alive (KOTL, SkyDive, etc.) That if a player is sprinting when a player wins said player will be teleported back into the hub still with sprint particles underneath their feet. However I noticed it only seemed to work if you lost the event but you didn’t die. Might work with the sneak thing but doubt it.


(Apr 5th, 2017, 02:56 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote:No singing in Communist MCP Kappa


"I don't think it's Dragon, I think he is just being retarded as usual." - zs471 4/26/2017

You will be remembered zs471, F.

(Sep 24th, 2017, 09:25 AM)zs471 link Wrote:You know I was actually just thinking to myself, 'You know who would be a good guard?' Then it came to me. Obviously Dragon1240 would be a good guard. +1
I'm not sure if this is related to the glitch or not (so just putting it out there) I warped from /plots to /eshop yesterday at one point and once the tp/warp was complete I found my character was stuck running for a couple of minutes.
As soon as I noticed the increased movement speed I checked my buffs under inventory looking for a speed buff but being e block, all I had was night vision.
So I tried pressing control or shift while moving but neither seemed to slow me down that I recall.
It eventually just corrected itself by the time I was finished sorting my v-chests.

Sadly I didn't have any recording software running at the time.

As I said, I have no idea if this is connected to the glitch, but I've not experienced this before while playing minecraft, that I can remember.
this same thing happened to me before in lava survival. i just stopped walking unless i had to and it eventually went away on its own.

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