Mar 4th, 2018, 10:20 PM
Whaaaat is up ladies and gentleman. Welcome back to another episode of MCP Alert. Our title guy is out sick this time, Not really we just fired him!. However, lets get riiiight into the news.
We have really cut back on our episodes. The last two seasons we have been doing weekly episodes, however in season 3 we have decided to cut down on the amount of episodes we are putting out, and instead we will be doing one big issue every so often. But, you will still get the quality content you guys have come to expect from us.![Wink Wink](
Dragon1240's Hall of Fame
Coming with the latest addition to the MCP Hall of Fame, we would like to introduce a member who is well respected in the community and you may not know it, but she sees everything, give a round of an applause for MCP Hall of Fame's newest inductee, Maelonic! Mae is most known for smoking that good good kush while modding as well being currently the only Senior Mod. She has been on the staff team for a year and a half and has definitely had her impact on the community. Mae has always cared for the players of MCP and the community and making sure MCP is always safe from those bad people! Thanks Mae!
Unprofessional Ban, Mod Team Overruled!
On February 13th, Lord63 was banned by Moderator LittleLea. The ban reason? "Homophobic Slurs". Lord quickly filled out an ban appeal while still really heated. The outcome? LittleLea EXPANDING the ban by another day. This was her response to the thread,
"wow lol is all I have to say for this also people have been perm ban for this, so your lucky. And this ban appeal is absolutely horrible. I believe you need the 2 day ban to calm down and all moderators have spoken due to how you are talking and acting we believe you need another day added onto your ban to think about what you have done and fully learn from it. Very sorry love! see ya in 3 days (2day ban+the 1 ya just earned)"
Starting from the very start of her post, this reporter doesn't know of anyone being banned for using a homophobic slur other than notorious player, Coolskate. Even that ban came down from the owner himself Silas_Bowen. That of course was after a long history of the player causing issues on the server and forums. A two day ban to "Calm down"? As Silas stated on the post one hour to a day is enough for a cool down, and in this reporters eyes even a day is pushing that. However, it should be based on past offenses and the users history and not how a moderator feels.
Silas later pointed out in his post of the petty talk coming from the moderator LittleLea in her post. We feel the need to point out that this is not the first time, nor do we believe it to be the last, this should be addressed at the next staff meeting!
Lord was unbanned by Silas in the end due to the nature of the ban and not the terrible appeal. The biggest points to take from Silas_Bowen's response are these,
-"I feel it should be stated again that staff should issue punishments equally. Staff are allowed to have varying levels of punishment compared to other staff but punishment must not vary between users."
-"Staff can't ban in game for things said through other platforms and should avoid mod mentality (including the forums/teamspeak).
Valentine's Plot Contest Results
The February Plot Contest has ended with Dogtag93 taking the top spot with his Companion Cube from the Portal Franchise, runner up is Cpt_Pandapantz with her Love themed Park, similar to last year's winning plot made by YoungLilSandwich, and taking the 3rd spot is myself Dragon1240 with a bunch of random shit.
One Draw Winner Announced!
The One Draw winner in HeadlessCowboys lottery was announced on the first of March. The lucky winner Jereh has one week to claim his prize. Remember to buy some tickets for a chance to win the Power Ball.
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Not much going on nowadays in the land of MCP, Dogtag is currently working on what looks like a big MCP Project so stay tuned to his posts for updates. Other than that the server and forums are quite quiet lately. We can't wait for the Spring and Summer vacations to begin where activity is sure to pick up once again!
Whaaaat is up ladies and gentleman. Welcome back to another episode of MCP Alert. Our title guy is out sick this time, Not really we just fired him!. However, lets get riiiight into the news.
We have really cut back on our episodes. The last two seasons we have been doing weekly episodes, however in season 3 we have decided to cut down on the amount of episodes we are putting out, and instead we will be doing one big issue every so often. But, you will still get the quality content you guys have come to expect from us.
![Wink Wink](
Dragon1240's Hall of Fame
Coming with the latest addition to the MCP Hall of Fame, we would like to introduce a member who is well respected in the community and you may not know it, but she sees everything, give a round of an applause for MCP Hall of Fame's newest inductee, Maelonic! Mae is most known for smoking that good good kush while modding as well being currently the only Senior Mod. She has been on the staff team for a year and a half and has definitely had her impact on the community. Mae has always cared for the players of MCP and the community and making sure MCP is always safe from those bad people! Thanks Mae!
Unprofessional Ban, Mod Team Overruled!
On February 13th, Lord63 was banned by Moderator LittleLea. The ban reason? "Homophobic Slurs". Lord quickly filled out an ban appeal while still really heated. The outcome? LittleLea EXPANDING the ban by another day. This was her response to the thread,
"wow lol is all I have to say for this also people have been perm ban for this, so your lucky. And this ban appeal is absolutely horrible. I believe you need the 2 day ban to calm down and all moderators have spoken due to how you are talking and acting we believe you need another day added onto your ban to think about what you have done and fully learn from it. Very sorry love! see ya in 3 days (2day ban+the 1 ya just earned)"
Starting from the very start of her post, this reporter doesn't know of anyone being banned for using a homophobic slur other than notorious player, Coolskate. Even that ban came down from the owner himself Silas_Bowen. That of course was after a long history of the player causing issues on the server and forums. A two day ban to "Calm down"? As Silas stated on the post one hour to a day is enough for a cool down, and in this reporters eyes even a day is pushing that. However, it should be based on past offenses and the users history and not how a moderator feels.
Silas later pointed out in his post of the petty talk coming from the moderator LittleLea in her post. We feel the need to point out that this is not the first time, nor do we believe it to be the last, this should be addressed at the next staff meeting!
Lord was unbanned by Silas in the end due to the nature of the ban and not the terrible appeal. The biggest points to take from Silas_Bowen's response are these,
-"I feel it should be stated again that staff should issue punishments equally. Staff are allowed to have varying levels of punishment compared to other staff but punishment must not vary between users."
-"Staff can't ban in game for things said through other platforms and should avoid mod mentality (including the forums/teamspeak).
Valentine's Plot Contest Results
The February Plot Contest has ended with Dogtag93 taking the top spot with his Companion Cube from the Portal Franchise, runner up is Cpt_Pandapantz with her Love themed Park, similar to last year's winning plot made by YoungLilSandwich, and taking the 3rd spot is myself Dragon1240 with a bunch of random shit.
One Draw Winner Announced!
The One Draw winner in HeadlessCowboys lottery was announced on the first of March. The lucky winner Jereh has one week to claim his prize. Remember to buy some tickets for a chance to win the Power Ball.
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Not much going on nowadays in the land of MCP, Dogtag is currently working on what looks like a big MCP Project so stay tuned to his posts for updates. Other than that the server and forums are quite quiet lately. We can't wait for the Spring and Summer vacations to begin where activity is sure to pick up once again!
![[Image: ddd3abd87fa66d2fe566559613aff9db.jpg]](