Lord63's Guard Application Thing.
What is your IGN: Lord63
How old are you as of now: 16
What is your current playtime on the server : 13 Hours (Keep In Mind There Was A Reset :3)
When can you play on MCP: I Play all through Night events Mostly, ANd on and of through out the day, If it would make it better silas Tell me what time you Need me online and i can cut out that time to be online Smile
What is your timezone : Eastern Time Zone
What is your rank on the server: Free
Do you have any experience with other prison servers: Yes, I've been staff on one other prison server a while back, Sadly I've forgot the IP When it shut down Sad
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank?: Im super sorry that I can't find the IP ill try to remember
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room: Yes I have and Im Legit looking at them rn x3.
Why should we pick you to be our next guard. Well. I think you should pick me as your next guard because, I really want to help this server, and over 3 Years its been fun to watch it grow and Its always been a really big dream of mine to apply for guard on this server and I finally decided to try to maybe get accepted, Also Most of the hours that I am Online are the hours that all the other guards are offline Plus i've literally seen only two guards the entire reset Nator27 And Masterovie. I also feel like i would be fit for this job Because I love to be helpful and Being a guard also sounds like alot of fun

Signing off this is Lord63 with the cringe Exit.

Ps Silas Luv Me :3


18 hours Tongue


You're still pretty new to the server, I recommend improving your app as you get more experience.


Hokay You the boss man <3


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