Interscope_'s Chat Abuse Report
Your IGN: Interscope_
Offender's? IGN: MxADeath
Offender's? rank: Free
What the offender was doing: Telling Another Player To Kill Themselves
What server this was on: MCP
When this happened: (Include date and timezone) 9/21/17 @ 4:30pm MST
Proof: (insert an image or video here, MAKE SURE TO EMBED THE IMAGE IN THE PAGE OR NOTHING WILL BE DONE.)
[Image: 2017_09_21_16_28_28.png]
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[Image: 308px-Olivia_Rodrigo_OR_Logo.svg.png]
a blant chat abuse and seeing as the player is free, they may not know everything but they should know the pretty basic set of chat rules already.


[Image: w0nB0qd.png]
Thanks for the report, punishment of a one day temp ban has been given. lock please.

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