Aug 17th, 2017, 11:10 AM
I am Making this one on behalf of my brother - ibalisticbear24
IGN: wolfygaming74
Who banned you? DogTag93
When were you banned? 13-08-2017 21:10 (server time zone)
Why were you banned? Pvp Hacking (Macros)
Are you at fault? He was at fault, He knew the risks, He read the rules But still he chose to ignore them. He was at fault and after he was banned he got upset and he felt like he had done wrong. He doesn't have a forums account therefore I am writing this for him
What was your rank on MCP? Free
Why should we unban you? Give him another Chance, He deleted the macro software and wont do it again, and I will make sure of that myself because I don't want to be banned myself.
IGN: wolfygaming74
Who banned you? DogTag93
When were you banned? 13-08-2017 21:10 (server time zone)
Why were you banned? Pvp Hacking (Macros)
Are you at fault? He was at fault, He knew the risks, He read the rules But still he chose to ignore them. He was at fault and after he was banned he got upset and he felt like he had done wrong. He doesn't have a forums account therefore I am writing this for him
What was your rank on MCP? Free
Why should we unban you? Give him another Chance, He deleted the macro software and wont do it again, and I will make sure of that myself because I don't want to be banned myself.
Don't Hate