Master's Appolagy
Lately as a lot have pointed out, I haven't been the nicest of players on the forms and MCP. I would first like to apologise to Tybalt, I wish you the best on you application and hope to see you as a guard one day. I am going to try to take a 7 day break from MCP please don't get mad if I don't stick to this rule. The final person I would like to apologise to is Silas (I'm not telling people why.) I know that it is not right to get mad if you get denied as a guard and I will never do it again. Also I am going to try to work on my grammar which I know will come as a relief to people.

Thanks MasterScare

Messages In This Thread
Master's Appolagy - by MasterScare - Mar 28th, 2017, 08:39 AM
Re: Master's Appolagy - by Dragon1240 - Mar 30th, 2017, 04:49 PM
Re: Master's Appolagy - by zs471 - Mar 30th, 2017, 04:57 PM

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