HeadlessCowboy’s bond, stock market, donations, and pawn shop.
Welcome to the HeadlessCowboy’s bond, stock market, donations, and pawn shop.  Here I will explain what my plot is all about with these three financial options.  The plot is located near the free spawn if you walk out to the plot area from the bridge.  The plot is made up of wood primarily.  First I will talk about bonds.  At rates and "currency" are in game items and are not tied at all to real life money.


The rate in this company will be 1% for all bonds given for a period of 1 week.  You are paid the interest every week.  The maturity date for all bonds will be 4 weeks.  If you withdraw your bond before the maturity date, you do not get the full maturity value but rather get 1% off the par value (how much you gave) of the bond from when you withdraw tell the maturity date per day.

Note: the rate for the interest will change every once and a while.

Stock Market:

  Each day when I earn money, the stock will go up.  When I lose money (from either the bonds or pawn shop) the stock goes down.  There are two forms of stock: Preferred stocks in which will receive dividends plus two votes and common stock that don’t receive dividends plus only one vote.  If one person owns 51% of the stock votes, then their vote will always win. 

The stock market is going to open in December so there may be people that can buy into the stock market at a list price before the stocks are made to the public.  You may message me in game or via mail in the forums to be a beginning investor.  All beginning investors get at least one preferred stock.

The stock market will be open one hour every day starting with me updating the signs on the plot for the stock market stats.  You may still trade when the market is closed but the trade will go through once the market has opened again.  Note: I will not spend any money in between market close to market open.  This does include pawns and bonds.  The hour of the stock market to be open will be decided once we get closer to December.  If you guys have any opinion on when you would like the stock market to be open server time, please reply and I’ll see if I can meet that time that majority of you guys want.

The prices on opening day will depend on pre-stock opening investors for both preferred stock and common stock.  I will post the rates of the stock market here first then update in game.  Also, here in this thread, you can have a even more detailed report about the stocks history.


If you donate to the donation spot and tell me what you put into it, you will receive dividends with every stock you own in the company (common stock will remain common stock though).  If you don’t have any stocks in the company, it would count as having one stock so you would get one dividend per the one share.  The donations will go to new comers as a gift (This may get them to stay longer).

Pawn Shop:

I am going to be running a pawn shop.  Do you ever need money but have items you want to keep not just selling them away to get money?  One solution: pawn it here at HeadlessCowboy’s pawn shop.  I will give you an offer for your item and with a low rate of 1% per two days to pay it back interest.  You have 2 weeks to pay off half of the loan and then only 1 more week to pay off the entire loan.  If you do not pay it back within the 3 weeks, the pawned items becomes property of HeadlessCowboy.

NOTE: this is subject to change at any time as I get feedback with this post.

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HeadlessCowboy’s bond, stock market, donations, and pawn shop. - by HeadlessCowboy - Nov 24th, 2016, 02:36 AM

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