baileysara's Guard Application
I have special eyes #MyBrand

IGN: baileysara

Age: 14

Playtime: 313 Hours

When I can play MCP: Until August 15th, any time I am awake (usually 12PM - 3AM PST), after August 15th any time between 2PM and 6PM on weekdays and on weekends 12PM - 3AM 

Timezone: PST

Rank: Baron

Do I have any experience with other prison servers: A small private prison server that never took off and ended up crashing due to lack of funding, other than that no.

Do I have experience with guarding: No

Have I read all rules in-game and on the forums: Yes, I try to keep up with it and I read it whenever a dispute in the rules arises.

Why should you pick me to be your next guard: Well, to start off I would like to talk about my past on the server and I think this is important because I would like to show how much I have matured over the past few months. As I'm sure most you remember about 6 months prior to me typing this I was a toxic kid on a server that he only played because his friends played it. And when the server updated to 1.9 I had decided that I was going to take a break, come back later, try and start fresh. And that is exactly what I did. A lot of newer folks would agree that I am generally nice and older players have told me that I seem like a totally different person than the one before the 1.9 update and quit. Although I had some moments I'm not proud of (my arguments with HaZard and a few of his friends) I generally try to take the high road. Secondly, I feel like I could make a great improvement on the whole PvP situation. Most players it seems can only pick on the lower ranks due to the fact that there aren't too many guards. Me being one of them. I would like to help cure the boredom of both my fellow prison-goers and for myself. I would be an active guard and since I've currently got nothing to do I would be in C or courtyard and on call to anyone that needs my help. And, I would just like to point out I'm not saying "Oh if you promote me the server will suddenly be 40+ people on a daily basis and Silas will be rolling in the dough" I'm not at all saying that. I can't make that happen and I'm not saying anything like that will arise if I am promoted, I'm simply saying I would just like to have some quality time on the server in a different and refreshing perspective. And finally, as I'm sure you know, I've never been staff on the server. Some people that are staff right now have been staff time and time again and they got demoted and re-promoted. And yes I am an older player but I've never gotten to have that experience and I think I would enjoy it and I believe that everyone should be able to have a shot at something like this. In all I think I would make a good and refreshing guard.

                  Thanks for Considering,

Messages In This Thread
baileysara's Guard Application - by BaileySD123 - Jul 7th, 2016, 02:03 PM
Re: baileysara's Guard Application - by SnipedYall - Jul 7th, 2016, 02:04 PM
Re: baileysara's Guard Application - by cougarboy - Jul 7th, 2016, 02:14 PM
Re: baileysara's Guard Application - by WyldcatG - Jul 7th, 2016, 02:15 PM
Re: baileysara's Guard Application - by MoonFragments - Jul 7th, 2016, 02:16 PM
Re: baileysara's Guard Application - by masterovieOG - Jul 7th, 2016, 03:08 PM
Re: baileysara's Guard Application - by polardog11 - Jul 7th, 2016, 03:23 PM
Re: baileysara's Guard Application - by GeoDope - Jul 8th, 2016, 03:20 AM
Re: baileysara's Guard Application - by masterovieOG - Jul 8th, 2016, 06:17 AM
Re: baileysara's Guard Application - by polardog11 - Jul 8th, 2016, 10:34 AM
Re: baileysara's Guard Application - by BaileySD123 - Jul 8th, 2016, 10:59 AM

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