Mitsuo's Winning Story
Gather around boys and girls for the story of Geonat, the unkillable guard.
We set the scene in the rural community of Minecraft Community Prison. Our hero Geonat logs in.

Geonat had always been a decent guard, but now he wanted to take his job to the next level. He wanted to beome a warden. His chances were slim, and his abilities few, but he was believed he was able to become the greatest warden to ever fly the C-Block halls.

As time went on he took two young guards under his wing, to take his place as he prepared to jump to the ranks of warden. Those two guards were by the name of Sniped and Mitsuo. The days went on, as he trained the two young guards Sniped took a leap of faith, ending with him being shot by the mighty god Silas, demoted for being a bad replacement for someone like Geonat. No he wanted someone better, someone godlike, someone.....Geolike.

And thus our hero is left with one guard under his wing. But alas all the training in the world would not be of use to save poor Mitsuo. And Thus our hero was left with nothing, and everything was looking bleak for our young hero. Would he ever stake claim to the title of Warden, a title he had been long after. And as he began to lose faith, a bright light shined through the stars, a light by the name of Efex. One who held all the abilities of Geonat and even more so. Geo began to believe he could finally stake claim warden. And thus our hero was crowned. Finally taking his seat as warden. But as the weeks went on our hero became more suspicious of Efex, taking time to investigate this new found hope for the citizens.

And then the claim was set. Geonat had stamped Efex a hacker. Claiming his ability came from off assistance from modifications to his person. The citizens were torn, who should they support, our hero, or this new man who's kept them safe from so many riots, even defeating the vicious faction High Flyers single handed. Despite community favor for Efex, Geo stood by his claim, and thus our field was set. Geo would stake his warden throne on a single fight against Efex. The stadium was built designed after the ancient roman coliseums the citizens readied themselves. Would Geo's claims come to light or would Efex emerge victorious. Time would only tell..

Our hero and Efex took positions on the battlefield, and readied themselves for the greatest battle of MCP history. and with Silas shooting off a single firework, the battle began. Geo charging forward while Efex stood still. Curious of the odd behavior from Efex he snapped his focus back to the task he was damned to complete.

The single swing of his sword Geo strafed to the side through felf the effects. The motion had caught the attention of the audience curious how Efex would perform such a move without moving an inch from his starting position.It was discarded as the two began fighting, neither sparing any remorse or move from their arsonel. And it seemed to be over in an instand and a flash of lightning struck down hitting Efex causing him to disappear.

In a booming voice over the citizens the words lingered. "Efex has been banned by Geonat for hacks." And thus the battle was finished. Geo had banned Efex to remain victorious while proving he was a hacker.

However our hero disappeared never to be seen again. Some say he is a ghost, others say he is waiting for the return of Efex to once more strike with the hammer of bans. But myself? Why I think he's waiting for the greatest challenge of them all. The challenge to fight.......Silas himself.

[Image: a1c12551966126d9cccbf363d22b029a.png]

Thanks for the motivation to right this Geo lmfao was something fun to think up. Hope we can have more of these competitions in the future.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.

Messages In This Thread
Mitsuo's Winning Story - by mitsuo_wolfblood - Jun 2nd, 2016, 06:49 PM
Re: Mitsuo's Winning Story - by HaZardZ321730 - Jun 2nd, 2016, 06:52 PM
Re: Mitsuo's Winning Story - by WyldcatG - Jun 2nd, 2016, 07:04 PM
Re: Mitsuo's Winning Story - by mitsuo_wolfblood - Jun 2nd, 2016, 07:10 PM
Re: Mitsuo's Winning Story - by masterovieOG - Jun 2nd, 2016, 08:15 PM
Re: Mitsuo's Winning Story - by Maelonic - Jun 2nd, 2016, 10:22 PM
Re: Mitsuo's Winning Story - by SnipedYall - Jun 3rd, 2016, 11:25 AM
Re: Mitsuo's Winning Story - by GeoDope - Jun 3rd, 2016, 05:34 PM
Re: Mitsuo's Winning Story - by SnipedYall - Jun 3rd, 2016, 06:15 PM
Re: Mitsuo's Winning Story - by serrian_ - Jun 3rd, 2016, 10:42 PM
Re: Mitsuo's Winning Story - by GeoDope - Jun 3rd, 2016, 11:32 PM
Re: Mitsuo's Winning Story - by Girlsrock5133 - Jun 9th, 2016, 04:54 PM

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