Pokemon Revolution Online Pokemon MMO
Ok so the official pokemon company DID NOT create this. Its an amazing fucking pokemon MMOthat is so good that you have to wait in a 30 minute queue to even join the server. Its an amazing MMO thats COMPLETELY free to play and membership barely gives any perks. Its awesome, it has 2 regions (kanto & jhoto) So if any of you wanna come and play. Ill be there to play with you  Kappa

Its pretty much Pokemon soul silver except u start in the kanto region BUT all the gym leaders and giovanni are all BUFFED they are a LOT harder in this game. In this game it takes usually 4-5 hours to TRAIN for a gym leader/boss. Its a really tough game, so far im on the 6th gym leader. The levels of the gym leaders are ?? because they are not the normal levels of the kanto/ johto gym leaders, they are buffed.


//[Image: KSuhqwo.png]

Messages In This Thread
Pokemon Revolution Online Pokemon MMO - by Coolskate2449 - Mar 14th, 2016, 04:33 PM
Re: Pokemon Revolution Online Pokemon MMO - by serrian_ - Mar 14th, 2016, 08:03 PM

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