MikeTheos23's Guard Application
Age: 16
Timezone: AEDEST+10
How Long Have You Played On MCP?  8 months
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? Yes, i have
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? Because i asked my friend to play hypixel
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? I have been on this server for a while now and i play on this server everyday non stop and i am calm and will love to experience being  a guard and i love this server. I know most of the prison. I like enforcing rules and I love being helpful. I am very experienced with prison servers. I am usually on anywhere from 1 to 7 hours a day. I also enjoy talking to other prisoner and guards. I consider myself a good PVP-er but definitely not the best.
Additional Information: . I also easily make new friends and welcome new players. I never want anyone left out. I think that anyone and everyone should be included no matter who they are, what they think, and what they do. I love to help others. I also try to spend lots of time getting to know the guards, wardens, and other prisoners on the server. If I do become guard, I will be committed to helping those in need, something I like doing the best. I am responsible and smart. I know the rules and, most importantly, follow them. I feel as if I should be given a chance as guard.i think you should pick me because I know the rules, I listen to orders, and I will help the prisoners be safe. Being a staff member is something I am highly familiar with. I have been an admin on a survival server for nearly 2 years until it ended up going down. I ran my own server for less than a year which did a lot better than a survival server could with the advanced modding everywhere else. Aside from my previous experience, I believe that I posses qualities that will benefit the server and the community. I am mature and can tell the difference between right and wrong. It sounds like such a menial trait, but it is a trait that has been often left for granted. I also genuinely enjoy helping others. I try to greet the fresh-spawns as frequently as possible and try to help them get established. I remember, 2 weeks or so ago, I killed a C and Maaty told me not to do it because it drives them away from the server. I realized that he was right and since them have done nothing but help new comers. I admit I am not the greatest pvper but I certainly am not the worst and when it comes to protecting players, I will not back down. I hope you take my application into consideration as I feel I can be a beneficial member of the staff team.You should pick me as your next guard because I am dedicated to this server, I love to help people. I also really like to pvp, and I consider myself great at it. I am very friendly, and ambitious. I have special eyes #MyBrand, though I do wear glasses. I listen and am a peoples person. I am very good at ending player arguments, and try to make everyone on the server happy. I have had doubts to myself of starting arguments and yelling at people in the server, but I have trained my self control. I have learned, and am learning to fully control my anger. Everyone knows Charlie, and just about everyone likes Charlie, I have a few people that I am not 100% friends with, but Nothing will change my attitude once I am guard.you should pick me because i have experience and i want to do what i can to help the server and make it more enjoyable for all the player. i do not abuse and i am reasonable. I feel that I'm now more used to the community and can take on this task. I can be trusted with the powers that I would get from being a mod, and I have experience being a staff member. I've been staff on a total of 8 or 9 servers in my lifetime, my most recent one was convicted, where I was a guard for 3 years before becoming and AlphaGuard.(Head-Guard here) If I'm picked I will work well with the other staff members and Maaty (a current mod) is a friend of mine from convicted and we were both AlphaGuards there. I would be comfortable in that position and I believe that I can help MCP be a more welcoming, safe place. You should pick me to be a guard because my ability to listen to instructions is pretty good, I have special eyes #MyBrand. Anyways, I think I should be picked as a guard because of one main reason. I love MCP, I can't get enough of it, I am helpful to players every now and then, and I do indeed get in arguments and I will admit I have a bit of a loose temper but I have been working on controlling that. Everyone makes mistakes. I am very active and play many hours a day just having fun, I do realize I quit guard the last time I got it but I quit because I had no freedom, I have recently discovered guards have been given a bit for freedom and I feel like I am up to the task of being a guard because it is fun and a very joyful experience. I also love pvp, which is an upside(not a requirement) if I get guard, I get to pvp pretty much every day which I love. I sometimes get in arguments and or have a hard time, but everyone has hard times and we need to just work through them. I would love an opportunity to be a guard on MCP once again, I know the guard faction is pretty full with inactive members, that's another upside, I am extremely active and I am grateful I can get on MCP every day with no time limit to my imagination of minecraft. MCP has been my favourite server for a whole year, which is about how long I've been playing, I am very experienced within the MCP community and I would love a shot at guard. Thank you for your time and reading this app, hope you consider me XD

Messages In This Thread
MikeTheos23's Guard Application - by MikeTheos23 - Feb 12th, 2016, 09:28 PM
Re: MikeTheos23's Guard Application - by Girlsrock5133 - Feb 12th, 2016, 11:45 PM
Re: MikeTheos23's Guard Application - by Agent_Dash - Feb 13th, 2016, 01:14 AM
Re: MikeTheos23's Guard Application - by Girlsrock5133 - Feb 13th, 2016, 02:51 PM
Re: MikeTheos23's Guard Application - by Agent_Dash - Feb 13th, 2016, 05:03 PM
Re: MikeTheos23's Guard Application - by NothingClassy - Feb 13th, 2016, 07:04 PM
Re: MikeTheos23's Guard Application - by MikeTheos23 - Feb 13th, 2016, 07:43 PM
Re: MikeTheos23's Guard Application - by Girlsrock5133 - Feb 13th, 2016, 08:22 PM
Re: MikeTheos23's Guard Application - by MikeTheos23 - Feb 14th, 2016, 12:03 AM
Re: MikeTheos23's Guard Application - by Coolskate2449 - Feb 14th, 2016, 12:04 AM
Re: MikeTheos23's Guard Application - by LaughNgamez - Mar 6th, 2016, 12:14 PM

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