Pupyluk's Guard Applications
What is your IGN? Pupyluk

How old are you as of now? 14 years old

When can you play on MCP? Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday (I can sometimes play an weekdays/weekends for a long period of time.)

What is your timezone?Australian Eastern Time Zone UTC+10:00

What is your rank on the server? Free I have special eyes #mybrand

Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). Although I have no experience towards guarding a minecraft prison servers, I have observed some guards such as agent_dash and what they do on the server. I have read all the guard rules so If I was ever picked as a guard I can successfully guard the prison.

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes, I have.

Why should we pick you to be out next guard? I strongly believe you should pick me as a guard because I have read all the guard/prisoner rules and understand them truely. I have observed guards and their role and understand how the guard role works. I follow rules given no matter what and I am helpful. I am good at guarding people as it is one of my daily jobs in real life. Lastly, I believe you should pick me as a guard because I invest my spare time to play MCP and try to make others feel welcome.

Thanks for reading and hope you consider me as a guard.

Messages In This Thread
Pupyluk's Guard Applications - by Pupyluk - Dec 16th, 2015, 11:12 PM
Re: Pupyluk's Guard Applications - by zs471 - Dec 17th, 2015, 08:34 AM
Re: Pupyluk's Guard Applications - by Pupyluk - Dec 17th, 2015, 02:48 PM

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