urabm's guard application
What is your IGN? urabm

How old are you as of now? 15

When can you play on MCP? After school from 6pm-10pm and all day throughout the weekends.

What is your timezone? Eastern Standard Time

What is your rank on the server? Baron

Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Not really, I did used to play on killion but I have spent a long long long time on MCP.

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). I have guarded on this server before.

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yep, "dank fuel can't melt steel memes".

Why should we pick you to be out next guard? You should pick me to be the next guard because I am worth it. I will help the server grow, I will vote everyday and invite new friends as much as I can. On top of that, I will be extremely nice to all players and staff members. I miss guarding on MCP. It was loads of fun PvPing against prisoners and helping out new players 24/7. By having the authority, I will help your server grow. New players will look up to me and listen to me if I have the authority from the staff rank. The only real active guard at the moment is StormyBee, then after him would be Masterovie and they aren't even that active. I am willing to become staff and be a very nice and active guard. I love to riot, and if I get killed 100 times by 10 p4 prisoners, I will go out and get killed another 100 times. I am willing to give my all at this position. I miss being a guard and I am sure guard misses me too. Most of the time, during hot hours, there aren't even any guards on. Which is crucial because who will help the new prisoners when the wardens are busy? The next C-Guard should be me because I have all the credentials for this position. I am definitely worth this rank because I will help the server expand and grow. I will keep bringing my new ideas to the prison and try to help the CDGS and mcp community, a better community. I am worth your next choice.

Thanks so much,

Messages In This Thread
urabm's guard application - by urabm123 - Sep 23rd, 2015, 04:36 PM

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