xXLink2003Xx's Mod Application (Version Two)
Age:  14
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
How Long Have You Played On MCP? Almost seven or eight months now
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? Muted, and kicked
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? Muted for spam an kicked for afk I think at  one point.
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? You should pick me to be the next moderator of MCP because I have past experience in being a mod, . I also play a lot of the night almost every night, and having a mod or A guard or higher on during the night for late night players is an important part of the server so we can make sure that everyone is keeping in order, meaning not advertising, abusing caps, and such. Also the current mod can't be on at all times, and neither can the A-Guards and higher, and having staff members who play later into the night then most would keep everybody on the server in check and not let people run over the rules and such.
Additional Information: I have never had staff on MCP but I feel I can really make a difference ill come on a lot and I'll do my job correctly and not abuse it.

Thanks For Reading -Link

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xXLink2003Xx's Mod Application (Version Two) - by Link - May 13th, 2014, 06:46 AM

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